...cos see?
I have this ongoing obsession with "big brother and big sister" afghans...mostly cos I can make em quickly (depending on the size of the big brother or sister) and cos they mean a lot to me
I was an only child till I was 7...when my brother showed up I discovered that being a big sister meant that my parents didn't have as much time for me as they had and that I was no longer the single most important "apple" of anyone's eye...(what? it was the very early 60's and parents didn't know better than LoL)
as an adult I remembered that feeling of loss when I watched the older children of my friends and decided that what I wanted to do was make the big brother or sister of my friends never have to go through that...so I crochet a blanket for each of my friends that are expecting and on the day that they bring home the newborn I give the big brother or sister their blanket along with a card/note that reads:
"Being the big brother/sister is hard work. Mom's and Dad's always seem busy with the baby and sometimes that doesn't feel good. So when you don't feel good about being the big brother/sister...you just wrap this blanket around you and think of it as a hug from all the other big brothers and sisters out there in the whole wide world....and know that you are not alone….that other people have felt this way too.”
Yup…that’s me…closet sap….but I’ve made them rippled, striped and solid, granny squares, Bermuda squares, bubbles stiches, single, double and treble stitched…I’ve made them pink and blue and yellow and green and black and probably every other color you can think of…and I’ve always found a kid to give them to somewhere….
Recently my 18 yr old, 6 ft 6in nephew came to live next door to me while attending Uvic…he brought his big brother blanket with him.