Monday, April 10, 2006

I'm mad as hell!

so I come home from work...

and the little man that lives next door to me is wailin drunk again - most of the time I can ignore it - but tonight I'm sitting here at my puter and the little prick is yelling and hollering at his thing I know I see a shadow behind me and here's some friend of his in my yard trying to get into my apartment - all goosed up

I get him to leave "subtly"- and listen to the not so delightful cacophony next door for a bit and decide that maybe the time has come to speak to the building manager about it.

I calmly called the manager and asked him if he could have a quiet word with the little prick about this being a secure building so his friends shouldn't be waltzing in to my yard uninvited like - nor should they be hammering on my patio door all pissed up and just maybe he could stop throwing his beloved at the wall that separates our apartments (cos I'd like that) - and seriously - I'm not being facetious here...I was at this point still calm.

A couple of minutes later I hear the building manager in the hall knockin on the little prick's door. It takes him 5 or 6 attempts culminating in some flat out pounding to get his attention. The little prick comes to the door and the manager, as nice as nice can be reminds said prick that this is a secure building and as there are many apartments inhabited by single women he would appreciate it if he could have his friends not enter and exit through the patio.

Mr Personality starts yelling and screaming right away and calling me names - I'm his only neighbour...and the only neighbour who's just had one of his drunk friends in her yard and likely the building manager has told him he's received a complaint (cos the building manager ain't the smartest tack in the box either).

This escalates for about 20 min with this person hollering obscenities down the hallway (he called me "the bald C word" several times and said he hopes I get cancer and die) and the manager trying to calm him down....all the while I can hear all of this cos they are out in the hall...and now a crowd is starting to convene and other neighbours are out there complaining about him.

So the little prick goes flying into his apartment - actually through the apartment and out into his yard and tosses a big ole wine bottle into my yard - smashing it and thereby alerting all of the neighbours that heretofore were unaware of the problem...and pissing me right the fuck off.

Out the hall door I fly in my bare feet (first mistake)and head down the hall. I musta had some kinda look on my face cos the neighbours in the hall parted like the Red Sea.

I get to the door of the apartment and the manager is trying to physically restrain the little prick who catches sight of me and starts screaming more threats at me...he's gonna bring his army and they are gonna cut me up into little pieces, I don't know who I'm dealing with and some sorta voodoo crap....blah blah blah...they were rather creative threats but threats none the less....

I tried twice to talk to him, then I told him to try listening with his ears instead of his lips for once....and then decided that discretion was the better part of valor and headed down the hall towards my apartment - at which point he dropped the bomb....he hollers down the hallway..."you don't like have a problem with me cos I'm a black man - you have a problem with Jamaicans."

Ya coulda knocked me over with a feather. So I very politely hollered back "I don't have a problem with the fact that you are Jamaican, I don't give a fuck what ya are...I don't like ya cuz yer an asshole!"

As you can guess things kinda degenerated from there....which finally brings me to my point (besides the Voice of Doom came down the hallway and got me and brought me home before I could go over the building manager at the little prick)

The point is that I am not a racist. I know that there are a lot of people that say that and don't walk the walk...but I am not. I am probably way too politically correct for my own good...I was raised by a pc person and have had jobs that required me to be overly politically correct all my life...and I am certainly not one of those insidious people that says "why I have friends that are black". I have friends - race doesn't count in friendship with me.

Personally I find that I am now more offended/insulted that he pulled the color card on me than I am that he throws his girlfriend around (cos she has a choice - she can leave)

My first thought was that I should have a club campover in my yard. My second thought was that the Voice of Doom won't get any sleep tonight cos she'll be worried about the little prick breaking down my door and getting at me. (last I heard he was still next door throwing things at the building manager while the manager waits for the police) and my third thought was that it just might not be a bad idea to load the shotgun. (but I can't remember where I hid the key to the cabinet so that's not an option)

Sanity has prevailed - I am sitting in my livingroom listening to calming music and thinking of what will happen to that little prick should he in fact get anywhere near my door this evening.

But let me tell ya - in a world of multicultures - there is nothing more disgusting than a little puissant that hides behind his race...nothing more disgusting than a human being that uses his race as an excuse for abhorrent behavior - and given the chance - I'll show that little prick exactly what I think.....except that as I type this the police have arrived and that should take care of that.

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