Sunday, January 08, 2006


***here's a thing I'm just thinking...
is the idea of family
and the fullfilling relationships
that we all seem to strive for
with our families,
thereby setting us up for failure,
a fallacy?

Is it that too many of us
are getting our idea of sisterhood
and brotherhood
from what we've come to expect
from people we have met in our lives
as opposed to the reality that truly is family?

Is it that too many of us rely
on relationships as portrayed in the movies
or on TV
as opposed to reality
because there really is very little chance
that brothers and sisters
will act that way in the real world?

Act what way?
You could ask...

well...act all brotherly er sisterly...
as opposed to acting like the screamin
self centered harridan
that just arrived from across the continent


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