Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hello from White Trash Hell

so the Property Management Co that manages this building has finally been convinced that there is a need of some repairs to be done - so currently they are redoing balconies...none too soon either...some of them proved to be rotten right through when they got the soffit off....


the weather of not cooperating

I've come home several times over the last week er two to find my personal belongs in my yard rearranged to make their work easier - no harm no foul if they would put it back...but they don't

I've come home several times to find the gate wide open (good thing I still don't have a it'd be gone!)

I have a row of framed Gilbert Williams art cards on the valance in my living room. They've hung there for 10 years - through several floods caused by the incorrect repairs to the balcony above. Yesterday I came home to four of them on the floor...with either broken frames or broken glass...

today is the first time I've been able to look out the window in the daylight to see the mess that they've created

apparently I shouldn't have looked!

they've broken some items in my yard...mostly due to the fact that they've moved them when they were frozen and didn't use the care that I would as I own them....

I was woken up today at 7:30 AM (so much for sleeping in on your day off!) by the sound of hammers and loud music...because apparently people who work in construction can't do it without some sort of thrash music to hammer by

and apparently it's impossible to hammer to rock n roll...
now it's zydeco at warp factor 8 I white trash hell
reminding myself that the only reason I'm staying here is the low rent...
and I just have to bide my time to get some crap paid off
and watch the real estate market further flounder
until I can pack up my cares and woes and move!


Louie said...

Take a few pics of the broken items and make a stink.

WyzWmn© said...

@ Louie...

no camera

it's on my list LoL

Anonymous said...

take the broken items to your management company's office and tell them you want them replaced.

I had some LOVELY men "fixing" my front stoop this summer. It took them 3 DAYS to dig around it, and put stone under it. They destroyed my garden fencing, and had rock music BLARING in front of my house. I called my super and complained, and the music was immediately shut off (I have sleep disorders, so if I want to sleep at 1pm, I should have that right).


Next time the front stoop needs fixing, I'll get my dad's concrete crew to do it. 'Cause obviously these guys had NO IDEA what they were doing, since my front walkway has a GIANT dip in it, thanks to the "work" they did.

WyzWmn© said...

@ Aelwyn

I wish it were that easy...this kind of lack of attention to law's n details has been going on for 10 years...just different faces...

I'm apparently highly resistant to change in this area....that accompanied with the cost of living here on southern tip of Vancouver Island means that I can't afford to move because housing is thru the roof...

but something will work out eventually...I just have to keep "putting it out there"