Monday, December 15, 2008

Of Snow and Cars....

We got socked over the weekend…

Victoria got a fair amount of snow…

But I happened to be at a weekend getaway with a bunch of friends in a place called Cedar outside Nanaimo....there was 16 inches on the deck at the back of the house by yesterday morning first thing…and by the time it stopped snowing yesterday in the late afternoon they were saying 26 inches...and it was colder n a witch's teat!

Vancouver Island simply doesn’t have the winter plans that NW ON does.

that's the LadyBug along with the " red go fast car" that belongs to Louie...buried!

So we stayed longer…an extra day….yesterday my buddy Ed spent an hour digging my car out after the snow...sorta....then this morning it took myself and Snoozie half an hour of shoveling and pushing, a little laughter and a whole lot of swearing to get my little car to the road…the normally 15 minute trip from their road to the highway at Nanaimo took close to an hour…and the hour and 20 minute trip from Nanaimo to Victoria and then to my village took close to 3 hours....and that's not counting the time I spent pulled over calming myself down on the side of the road...Gawd there are some really really bad drivers out there!

I’ve never before been that afraid of driving in winter. My little red car thinks it’s a buoy…bobbing around when the wind hits it or sliding over the ice like it’s on skates…sheesh!

I am reminded of the blister's Honda civic when I say this…but the car formerly known as “the ladybug” will henceforth be known as “that piece of shit get stuck everywhere” car.

I love my little car all the rest of the time…but full on winter…not so much.


Unknown said...

Well, I bought a snow shovel today so I can now actually shovel the driveway! I didn't realize how light your car really was or I would have shoveled a path all the way to the highway for you! and if you believe that.... :-)

WyzWmn© said...

@ Ed

if I'd have known how light my car was I woulda driven the VOD's boat instead LoL!