Sunday, August 22, 2010

we can't go back

often times
I find myself
wishing things could be
the way the used to be

the what if's
will drive me mad

what if Mike hadn't died?
what if I'd have gone to law school?
what if I'd not become an addict?
what if I'd not given the baby up for adoption?
what if the arm wrestler wasn't a narcissist?
what if the Indian wanted a more normal life?
what if the East Coast boy wasn't a thief and a junkie?
what if I'd not lost everything?
what if I'd not moved here?

what if?

this I know
each of these lessons
I had to learn
to bring me to
the person I have become

each of these lessons
were specifically designed
to teach me what I needed to know
to be me

you can't go back
there's simply no possibility

we can only go forward
"once more into the breach"

we can't go back...


Arlenes Assinine Ravings said...

Karen you are who you are and that is so very special to those of us who know you and who love you. I have had my what ifs too but with out those experiences we went through who and what would be be now. Your experiences have made you the wonderful unique human being you are now and you will only continue to grow as life throws more lessons your way.

Andrizzy said...

thanks for this one ... rings true.