Monday, June 06, 2005

more introspection

I've been thinking about how giddy I've been lately

sometimes I think it's cos I'm nuts.
at least...
that's what I'm telling others...

but I know

it's glee
it's good humor
it's happiness

ya can't have been sick as long as I have
and then get to the point where you can leave home
once and as while
and not get gleefully

after being sick for somewhere between 20 and 30 years
(the courts still out on when it actually started)
getting to a point in my life
were I can go off and play every now and then
its absolutely liberating!

it completely boggles my mind
when I think of the years I've spent
and the dollars I've spent on this disease

and for a long time
when I first started feeling better
I was afraid to believe...
but now I do

and I am eternally grateful

I am fully cognizant that it may not last
but I'm gonna enjoy what I've got
while I can

because I like me giddy!

remember the Duirwaigh!

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