Saturday, October 21, 2006

How WyzWmn got Wize?

I'm often asked
how I got to be

"WyzWmn" - sic WiseWoman

"Brief moments of lucidity liberally inter-dispersed with abject stupidity!"

I'm a story teller and apparently people think it makes me wise - I vote for mouthy :o)

I got my nic close to..

35 yrs ago
when all my friends
were younger than I
and they felt that
I was the older
more mature person
and cos my dad was a cop
and I knew all the tricks
to keep us from getting busted

it just sorta snowballed from there...

being of the motorcycling persuasion
people have always felt a need to tack nicknames on me
for many years in my youth
I was also known as "PMS365"
apparently I was cranky
so much so that my neice and nephew
still call me "Aunty Kranky"
(but it's ok cos they call my sister "Aunty Krazy"

and the VOD
is known as "Gramma Candy"

my brother is known as "the Golden Boy"
and my Dad is "Digger" cos his father was a funeral director )

so apparently I come from a nickname heavy family

and I do sooo love to tell a story now don't I?

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