Friday, February 08, 2008

For those that have inquired....

just so ya know...
after I finished licking my wounds
on the weekend....
I got up a full head o steam
(sic...pissed right off)
and went to Employee Relations on Wed
and laid it all out
and wrapped it up in a bow for them

I told em that I'd taken
my whole wee pail
of conflict resolution skills
and tossed em right in her face...
(Likely to no avail...)
but hey...a girls gotta try...

she got called over there yesterday afternoon..
and she came back
and strongly suggested that I take
all my lieu time off in March
to attend a course
at one o them "touchy feely' places
she frequents with all the other old hippies....

but I said no
cos my blister
will be here in March
and if I'm home
for the whole time she's here....
one of us may die


She is off today...
but ER confirmed to me
that there is an "no retribution" policy here...
so if she says a word to me about it
I go back to ER and her goose is cooked.

we'll see what happens from here....

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