Friday, May 21, 2010

Spring has Sprung?

it must be spring
I feel like
something new is coming

I feel like
the sun is shining
(even when it ain't)
and all is right with the world

I've divested myself
of the winter dreariness
and all it's accompanying drama junkies

I have little or nothing to do
with the people I don't want
to spend time with
and it feels good

I am civil
I am friendly
but I am not friends

there is no need.

each and every day
I release more and more
of that influence
on/in my life

each and every day
I divest myself
of one more understanding
that turns out to be untrue

as a result
I no longer feel a need
to explain to anyone
why I made/make the decisions
I did or will going forward

I no longer feel a need
to honour people
who have dishonoured me
who have been so dishonourable
as to make me doubt myself
who have been
and continue to be
intentionally hurtful

I have set
personal boundaries
in place
in such a manner
that I no longer have to consider
dealing with people who
who are unable
to be honest
or fair


I don't miss them
any more than I miss the drama

I do find it humorous
that people are still talking
behind my back
even those I haven't seen in over a year

I'm enjoying having come
to the understanding
that I am adult
and that currently
the only person
that will always
take care of me
is me

I no longer feel a need
for outside voices
to give me direction
and frankly wonder
what was I thinking?

I've been a people pleaser
all my life
as a result of some serious
personal growth work...
I no longer feel any kind of a need
to please others
to my own detriment

I no longer feel a need
to care for
or respect
those that can not
or will not
return in kind

I have rediscovered the ability
to find pleasure
and strength
from within
and am no longer
disappointed in myself
for failing myself
and listening to those
who tried to break my spirit

my spirit is grounded
my wisdom is
once again intuitive
my faith is
once again strong
and my foot falls
firmly on my path
*so mote it be*

as for what the future holds?

I'm really hoping
this pending surgery
fixes my eyes enough
that I can ride

I've a friend lined up
to do some recovery work
on the old Pickle girl
cos she's not moved
or even started
in a year

so if all goes well
it looks like I may be riding
sometime this summer

I'm getting the rest of my health
in line
and I'm hoping that skipping
off island holidays this year
will help me
take the final steps
I need to take
to make some larger changes
in my life

Pixie has become both
a god send
and a PITA
but I love it...

Spring has finally sprung
in my heart.

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