Friday, November 25, 2005

A Dave Matthews Band moment...

I'm havin a Dave Matthews Band moment...

I was flippin channels thinking that I really should go to bed (not that I have a lot on my plate tomorrow...but that I doooo looove my sleep)

I came across a Dave Mathew Band special on PBS.
I'd forgotten how much I enjoy Dave Matthews Band. I'd forgotten how different his music is.

This specific concert was a weekend at Red Rocks Amphitheater in Morrison Co. The Amphitheater seats just under 10,000 people and there sure didn't look like there were any seats left. Wow.

The particular song that initially caught my attention wasn't even a Dave Matthews was it was Time of the Season (you know..."what's your name? who's your daddy? Is he rich like me?") It was done by the Zombies that 60's British rock group...and when he sang that refrain..."this is the season for love" it seemed like every person in that place sang with him.

I got all goose bumply...and it started me to thinkin...

Did ya ever wonder what it must be like to be on stage with your little ole box guitar and a couple of your buddies doing what you like to do best and realize that every single person there is singing your words with you?

I guess for a musician it's gotta kinda be like the feeling I get when I'm sitting at a stop light and we look up to spot a couple of kids (young or old) looking at me sittin purdy on our rides with envy in their eyes....or the pure unadulterated thrill of hitting my Zen in the wide open spaces...just me, the sky and my ride...are one.


I can't wait for spring.

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