Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Truth According to WyzWmn©

There comes a time
in almost every woman's life
whereby she realizes
that she has been defining herself
by the relationships
that she has been involved in.

For the smart happens early,
and they make adjustments in their thinking patterns
to right this misconception.

The slower ones take their time…
for some it takes the time right up
until they are standing at the pearly gates...
to understand
that they are in fact
than the sum total of all those whom they have been
involved with,

those that they have loved

This being said,
I am no exception.
I still do define myself by my relationships.

The good news is that I understand
that I am,
and have made,
a conscious decision to do so,
to be able to handle the time and space continuum in my head....
and by way of explanation
for the journey...

the how...I've ended up

where I am.

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