Sunday, June 04, 2006

Customer Service

My riding club chapter meets on Sunday mornings for coffee before we ride off into the wild blue yonder (just how far can ya ride on an Island she asks? well 72 hours from tip to tip and 7 hours side to side...but I digress)

So there's always a line up in this particular coffee place and there's always a whole bunch of "trainees" (small wonder if they get treated like this!)

Anyway, in the meantime the manager is working the deli counter and I am standing in one of 2 line ups for coffee - some guy at the deli counter asked her (the manager) to correct his order cos she' got it wrong and she starting screamin like a fish monger about how it was all the "stupid kids at the coffee counter's fault for putting the order in wrong" and she's flappin her arms and doing the big horrified that someone would speak to her about service and things just escalated from there

While this is going on...I get to order a large coffee and all I have is a $50.00 bill and the little girl at the counter is all freaked out cos she's got no change and will have to ask the manager for some...

And then comes the manager with the mouth and by the time she was done both of the little girls at the coffee counter were crying and it was 20 min's since I got my coffee without my $49.21 in change - and I was tryin to be patient cos it's not the little girl's fault that there's no change or that her boss but the C in that word I ain't supposed to use in public

One of the girls finally got past the "she's gonna freak out at me again" and asked for change this Godzilla impersonator turned around and started screaming again - I'm not talkin "spoke loudly" she was screamin like a crazed person all spittin n frothin a the mouth....and that just pissed me off all the more (and about 15 people behind me)

Anyway - I led in with some basic Customer Service 101..."you are the employee and I am the customer, therefore you are being paid to put on yer big girl panties and suck it up ya fuckin princess" it kinda went straight downhill from there...I got my change and a standing ovation and she's likely lookin for a new job.

Seems I've got an extra large dose of the "fairness" gene and I'm completely missing the "practical joke" to say - I am more than a little adept and putting people who think that they are the cock of the walk in their place....round here I believe it's called "mean mouth speaks truth"

I don't necessarily like it - but it had to be done