Thursday, July 27, 2006

In Memorium

As a mark of respect, I dedicate this day to the memory of Samuel.

I met Samuel as a member of an MSN Group called Harley Tech Talk...those of us who have been there for a few years know who this man was, one of the original HTT members and a manager until his passing one year ago (07/27). I feel it is appropriate to mention the anniversary of his passing.

He was a very gifted man in more ways then one, a biker in the true sense of the word in that he loved riding to the extent that in his last few days he even strapped a portable Oxygen tank ( he called R2D2 ) to his bike in order to ride and meet friends.

He was also a gifted mechanic that had the ability to not only fix things but also explain in every day language how its done.

He was a proud veteran who served his country well with never a complaint.With kindness he helped literally 1000's on here whenever he could, he was also a gifted Philosopher and a true Visionary and last but not least a true FRIEND to one and all.

He may be gone but NEVER forgotten by his family nor his good friends. For all of you who did not have the pleasure of knowing this man you should strive to be a small % of who he was and how he lived his life, the world would be a much better place in which to live.

He had a true RESPECT for one and all .

RIP ( Ride in Peace ) Sam.

A Measure of Samuel: From: Samuel Sent: 1/24/2003 3:59 PM A very wise man once told me that there was only one true route to immortality. And that route was through the sharing of knowledge. He said that you could save all the money in the world, be the very best, but no one would remember anything but the money.

I am fully aware that when I leave this earth that I will be missed about as long as a hole remains in a bucket of water when you pull your hand out, for that is the way of things. But I would hope that what little knowledge that I might pass on during my trip would live for just a little while and benefit a few along the way. To just live is a one way street, but to live and help another along the way creates an endless orbit around this sun called life.

From: Samuel Sent: 1/24/2003 4:05 PM I forgot to add my humble thank you for the privilege of meeting all of you along this invisible river called cyberspace. And to the few that I have been able to assist, you are completely welcome. I only wish I knew more to pass on. Samuel

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