Sunday, July 06, 2008

Chapter 75

the sound: AC/DC – Thunderstruck

Robert made it through the 48 hour critical period. A couple of times it was touch and go and a lot of the family spent their time praying – but in the end I became convinced it was more that his Mama had forbidden him to die than God having had anything to do with it.

Mrs. K’s backbone was apparently well renowned and it never ceased to amaze me how Dr’s, Nurses, specialists, therapists – everyone jumped when that woman barked.

It also surprised me as over time the lines between the “good” and the “bad” members of the family blurred to become one large boisterous yet grieving group of people. People with history…good, bad or indifferent…no one was unaffected by David’s loss and Robert’s recovery.

Arranging David’s funeral turned out to be quite the endeavor. There was the formal viewing, the wake for family and dignitaries, the pig roast for family, friends and bros, the cremation, the suggested interment and then the family ritual of disposing of the ashes.

All the way through, Rosie spent most of her time at the hospital with her mother, so I had little or no assistance…but for Grey’s constant assurance that “money was no object.”

After being told so for about the dozenth time I took the “go big or go home” attitude and highballed everything. No carnations for this man’s viewing and service…only roses, peonies (Mrs K’s favorite) and rosemary because I couldn’t get my hands on the unofficial emblem of Ireland – the shamrock.

I was in my glory though…there’s nothing like giving orders to make you feel like you are in control of your life. (little did I know)

I scheduled everything for a week hence and was relieved when four days after the actual shooting it was announced that Robert and Mrs. K would “see” me at the hospital.

I got Boomer (the escape artist who’d ever so conveniently disappeared during the ruckus) to take me in to town and went in for a visit.

For some reason, I was uncomfortable with the idea of seeing Robert in a hospital bed…but maybe it was seeing Robert at all.

I walked into the room to find Robert laying with his eyes closed and his mother sitting in the chair beside him, her ever present crochet hook dancing through the cotton.

Without preamble, Mrs. K announced “I’ve been thinking”.

“You have?” I squeaked

“You girl, you will marry my Roibhilín and keep him out of trouble.” Came the reply.

“ah…(gulp) marry?” I squeaked again, and started to shake my head.

“ah…Mrs K?” I began and looked over at Robert…the only sign that he was awake was the little smile tuggin at the corner of his mouth.

“yes girl?”

“I…uhm….that is….ah….I can’t marry Robert Mrs. K….I don’t know him!”

Mrs. K turned and gave me the most withering glance to date…”I didnae know his fadder when we wed…that didnae stop us from hae’ing all our bairns.” She replied. “It took years…but we came to love each other.”

“Well…uhmmm that’s quite nice Mrs. K. – but nothing I do or say will keep Robert out of trouble and truly all I really want is to go home!”

“Home is it? Home? Why this is your home now child.” Admonished Mrs. K

“not likely” I muttered under my breath – immediately beginning to make plans to get my ass outta dodge.

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