Monday, March 09, 2009

ethics and morals

every human being
grows up
with a set of ethics
and morals
that speak to the very fibre
of their being...

these would the be the
rules and regulations
by which one runs their life

most of us got the basics
from our families...
the parental units...
and their parents...
our spiritual leaders...
clergymen and women...
our educators...teachers...
counselors and peers

and then there's the laws of the land
that are loosely based on
the basic ethical and moral
tenets of mankind....

as we grow up
if we are feeling
and thinking human beings
our "rules and regulations"
get examined more and more closely
on a regular basis

and we make decisions
as to which one's will remain
important to us
and which ones will not

over the years
some will change the basics...

sometimes it's done to fill
a perceived void in one's life

and sometimes it's done to justify
things that that may be causing us
a crisis of conscience

sometimes we re-evaluate
what we've been taught
to tighten the concepts
over what we learned

at the knee
of those that have gone on
before us...

as adults
we make educated decisions
hopefully based on fulfilling
the needs of our morals and ethics

I say all this
so that I may also say.....

As an adult
I do not expect anyone

to follow my personal path
and by the same token
no one should think
that I will compromise
what I believe
for the good of the "all"
(I did that once upon a time...
and the outcome was abhorrent to me)

My basic belief patterns
have evolved out of all of the
above suggested processes
and out of years of research and experience
some of which taught me lessons

the hard way
harder than most have to experience

Out of all of this
has evolved
a steadfast belief
for me
in the tenets
of the Wiccan Rede

"Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill,
An it harm none do what ye will.

I strive to never

intentionally harm anyone
I am not always successful
but I strive

Should it come to pass
that I harm someone
I do my personal best
to set things right

I own up to what I did
and I apologize

and make whatever restitution
I can
wherever possible

and then
when I am alone
I agonize over
what went wrong
and what lesson I can learn
from this particular episode

I have had occasion
to have 3 people in 2 days
tell me that I need to "lighten up"
to not hold so dear
the basic tenets of my beliefs
to allow for things to happen
without repercussion
or consternation
both to me

and about me

I can't see myself doing so

better yet
I don't want to

and if this means that
it's time for me to move on
then so be it

I chose to remain
true to what I believe

and those who are unable to understand
will probably not even realize
when I am gone.

I am but a work in progress
in my life
I have experienced

and sadness
and I may well again....

but I have also experienced
and love

and I will continue on this path
this path
that is right
for me

so mote it be.


Louie said...

You said a mouthful here.
"And I will continue on this path, this path that is right for me"
You keep on keeping on and the rest will fall by the roadside, and roll into the ditch they dug themselves into.
You are a quality person with morals and ethics and you stick up for the little Guy. I'm honored to call you my friend.
I love you (LYLT5$)

Anonymous said...

When it truly does come down to whatever matters, it is the decisions that you make for yourself only that truly count.

Arlenes Assinine Ravings said...

You have to be true to yourself and dont let anyone force you to be anything else. The reason you have people who love you is that we know who you are and can count on you to be who you are, not plastic and phony when it suits you.

Unknown said...

The thing I admire most about you my friend, is you tell it like it pretenses, no facades. You keep on being you. ((BIG Hugs)) and Sloppy KiSseS

Anonymous said...

I agree with all the other comments. Stick to you beliefs, remember as was told to me many years ago (plus it's in a song)....If you don't stand for what you believe in, you'll fall for anything.
Love ya!

White Tiger said...

There are 53 people within these walls, be yourself everyone else has been spoken for......
Be true to yourself and others will respect you for yourself.

One Friend