Sunday, March 08, 2009


WTF is wrong with people?

a friend and I go out to breaky this morning
we're there for about half an hour
when we're done she leaves and I head to their outhouse

I come out of the building
I walk to my car
I grab the door handle

and some fucktard has left a large wad of freshly chewed bubble gum under the handle



covered the whole inside of the handle
and then my fuckin gloves


wtf is wrong with people
if ya have to spit out yer gum
spit it on the damn ground like all the other gawd damn cretins in the world!!!!!!

~I'm just sayin...~

1 comment:

Larissa said...

Mmmm... that's about as yummy as sitting down for a college class and sinking your bare kneecap into a freshly-deposited wad.

At least you had gloves on. =P