Monday, August 17, 2009

bits and bobs

I've been getting heat
from some people
about not spending much time
in here lately....
( know who you are!)

I'm sorry to say

I find that I’m less and less interested
in being on line
there's stuff happening
in my life
that I can't put out there
who knows if I ever will be able to?

and I wonder what that means
to this blog
and the other 2?

I’m in the unenviable situation
of having had
not one
not two
but 3 married friends
“confide” in me
that they are having long term
amorous affairs with people
outside their marriage

it's like a disease out there....

all of these people
are basically good people
and have not as yet told their partners
(why they told me…I can’t comprehend
cos I’ve been pretty public about
my lack of understanding and support
of this kind of mess)

I don’t get it
But I’ve come to understand
That just cos my ethics are seemingly
Black and white
Not too many other people
Feel the same way…

Here's a thing that makes me wonder
how is it that I when I went up to the fadder's
2 weeks ago
gas was priced 102.9
I got to a town 35 min up the Island
it was 97.4
and then further up the Island
it went back to 102.9....
how'zat work?

I have a thing about bicyclists
if you ride a bike in BC
you are considered immediately
to be "green"
being green doesn't necessarily
lend itself to being smart

if you ride a bike on the queen's highway
you need to wear a helmet
and in my opinion
if I have to pay for plates and insurance
to ride on the should you

if I was on my motorcycle
(that I had to get a special license for)
and chose to ride side by side
with another rider
or 3 or 4 abreast
I'd get fined heavily

in a case where a large group of
Olympic training riders
were riding in a large group
holding up traffic
and a car pulled out to get around them
causing and accident in oncoming traffic
the local constabulary chose
to not fine anyone
cos they were all at fault???
apparently 2 or 3 wrongs
do make a right...

and again
if I am in a lane
and there is a bicyclist in the lane too
and I feel the need
to pull into the oncoming lane
to get around them
is it not my responsibility
to do so when the oncoming lane
is empty?

what's with all this...I'm going around
so those of you coming towards me
should head for the rhubarb
to get the hell outta my way?

I'm feeling icky
that's a technical term
my sleep has been disrupted
and I'm having health issues again
I'm trying to stay on top of them
but we'll see....

wish me luck
be back when I can!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there are those of us in happy married bliss...cuz we do our own thing and communicate and share....
but that aside....
Rant and rave all you want...there are also those of us who will take whatever you post whenever you it few and far between.
Enjoy the little good tidbits that come your way, and toss all the rest
Hope as time goes on you start feeling better again