Sunday, August 23, 2009

I don't get it...

I've been remiss in my blog reading
and spent some time today
playing catch up...
on the myriad of blogs I read regularly

as a result
there's sommat buggin me

here's the dealio...

there's a bunch of blog types
who write great long erudite monoliths
waxing forth philosophical
and being generally pithy
about other blogs
mostly to chastise, ridicule or
otherwise call into question
the basic integrity, sanity
or truth of the people that wrote
the first set

they link back and forth to each other
and they call each other names
for what they've written
and who they've written about

stop here for a moment
and consider the responsibility of
original thought...?

and then forget it.

the dictionary defines the term blog as:
n. A weblog.
intr.v. blogged, blog·ging, blogs
To write entries in, add material to, or maintain a weblog

so I'm guessing that like myself
lots of bloggers started out
as a place to put their personal thoughts down
with the understanding that
there may be someone eventually read them

there's also some kind of illicit thrill
over the idea that someone
may read what you write

specially for those
who have spent
dreaming of writing
the definitive North American novel
and maybe even makin a buck
pumped up if you will
by the general consensus
of people that keep telling you
"you really ought to write a book"


fast forward a couple of years
and there comes the possibility
that a couple of people
who write blogs
get famous for same

low and behold
someone ends up on Oprah
and makes a mint
and then someone else
does the same...

as a result of this phenomena
there becomes a whole genre
of blogs
who specialize in
making money
either by writing and getting published
thereby getting famous

or by setting up charity buttons
on their blogs

for the purpose of assisting others

as a result we end up with
yet another phenomenal genre
specializing in
throwing shit
and judgin other bloggers

bloggers who have done good works
(not all bloggers are liars)
bloggers who have been charitable
(not all bloggers are thieves)
bloggers who have shared more of their lives
than some people can handle

I don't get it myself
cos if someone writes something
I don't think is on the up and up
I don't donate

if someone bares their soul
and I find myself feeling voyeuristic
because I know more about their
personal lives than I wish

I stop reading
(how freakin hard is that?)

and if someone writes something
that is simply mean spirited
I don't read it
cos I got my own devils
and I don't need some pissy bitch
sitting in her lofty seat
castigating one of the bloggers that I read
to make them feel like less than....
and themselves feel better than...

shame on you
"how's the air up there on that perch?"
if yer so damn needy
that the only way you can get famous
in the blogsphere
is to slam someone else's writing
or thoughts, or charity works
you got way way bigger problems
than just being insecure and

Granny used to say:

"opinions are like assholes
everybody's got one"

at the end of the day
I don't write for anyone else's pleasure
I write to sort the chaos out in my head
and I'm well aware of the kind of
challenges that can arise from
sharing things on my blog
it's cost me
I'm well aware...

in the end....
this is all I can say...

don't let them crush what you are doing
continue to do what you need to do
to look yerself in the mirror
and damn the fucking torpedo's
of those less than succubi
trying to make a buck on your back.

let's get back to basics here people.


Arlenes Assinine Ravings said...

I agree Karen. Hell I wish I enjoyed writting that I could blog and put down my thoughts and feelings that way. I think a lot of folks blog to get their thoughts and feelings out about things and I feel that if others dont like it then quit reading it is simple I don't think the internet has gotten to the point where it tapes your eyes open and forces you to read anything you dont want to. I feel that even if you dont agree with a persons thoughts or feelings you should respect their thoughts and feelings and leave it at that.

Anonymous said...

still waiting for my millions to roll in - think I have $2.67 on adsense :-)