Saturday, June 19, 2010

well then...

for those of you that don't know...
the surgery went well

I ended up being off a week longer
that originally thought

my eyes are healing well now
and over the next 6 weeks
will likely change
more than once
so that I won't be able
to get my glasses Rx adjusted
until then
which makes for good days
and not so good days
but in the end...
the lion's share of the pain is gone
and that's what I was aiming for

I've had a talk
with the Dr's about
setting clearer expectations
for people in the future
cos really
if people that have to pay for the surgery
knew how much it would cos for after treatment
IE...6 kinds of eye drops etc...
they'd prolly re-think the whole thing...
and if they knew it would effect their
ability to drive or work
they may re-think as well

and I can go back to work on Monday

I have mixed emotions
about going back to work after virtually
a mth off (I've been off virtually straight thru
since the 21st of last mth)
I find I'm actually looking forward to having
something to do
although I continue to be concerned
about straining my eyes

so here's a couple of tidbits
I thought of while I was offline...

over the time I was off
I received a myriad of messages
via email, face book and phone
from people
who under the auspices
of friendship
trying to "guilt" me into
doing something for them

donating to charity
volunteering my time
giving of myself
for their benefit

I apparently am missing that gene

I spent virtually 25 yrs on and off
working for a national charity
and one of the reasons I did so
was cos I get so bored watching
people drink at events
that I started working them
to have something to do

but I also had a real belief
in the charity
so it's not inappropriate
that it turns out
that one of my personal afflictions
is the very item that I chose to support
all those years ago

at this time in my life
I believe 2 things
one is that I've paid my dues
and two is that ya can't guilt people
into doing the doing
they have to do it
cos they want to
not cos you bombarded them
with whiny requests, questions
and not so friendly reminders

another thought
is the concept
of personal responsibility

it's all well and good
to make a pecksniffian
to not rehash the past
but it speaks volumes
to a person's inability
to accept personal responsibility
for their actions

several people have made mention
of this idea to me lately
and I find it repugnant
cos in my world
if you don't learn from the past
how can you effectively move into the future?

oh...cos you don't care

on another front
if you ask me a question
be damn sure you want the answer

and have I mentioned
the wee man next door recently?
ya oughta try a mth of:
the stereo from hell
firing up all day
and then again at 11pm
and the friends
showing up and trying to get into
my yard cos they are too drunk
to figure out it's not his
or banging on his patio door
in the middle of the night
and sitting in they yard
smoking splifs?

do you really think
you are the only person
living in this building?
shut the fuck up!

enough ranting for one day.

1 comment:

Wade said...

heheh... she's BAAAAAAAAAACK! LOL