Tuesday, July 26, 2005

A Random Quote

I was surfing random blogs and came across a quote that has struck me...

Children who are not spoken to by responsive adults will not learn to speak properly. Children who are not answered will stop asking questions. They will become incurious. And children who are not told stories and who are not read to will have few reasons for wanting to learn to read. - Gail E. Haley,1971 - Caldecott Medal Acceptance Speech

...is this what's wrong with us?
is this why the next generation gives me the feeling that they could give a shit?

and all this time I thought it was a lack of accountability
turns out that the fact that the people of my generation narrowly missed being born alcohol adiccted did in fact turn out a generation of kids that aren't accountable because we weren't responsive?
we made them incurious....we made them

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