Friday, May 30, 2008

Pickle Update

sometime life just ain't fair
I just went out and had a "talk" with the Pickle

She's got a crappy headlight, crappy speakers, road lamps that blow fuses, no speedometer, needs a new carburetor and now the flaming gas gauge has quit.

The body repairs are done – but in the end they cost me over 1500.00 because the “little drunk man” that hit it didn’t pay up….which was supposed to be the down payment on the ladybug…so the crappy headlight, crappy speakers, road lamps that blow fuses, no speedometer, crappy carburetor that were supposed to get fixed this spring didn’t….

She and I are at an impasse as I have no money to fix anything….


I know that many other people have problems much larger than mine…and more life effecting than mine….but it still frustrates the hell outta me and depresses me to no end that the one thing I do for entertainment has been removed from the picture just now….

So I just wanted to whine a bit…I really really really want to go for a ride - and I really don't want people to tell me "I told you that you were too nice to that little prick that hit your trike" no more

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear Karen... but thanks for the much-needed perspective check... Mick's on conference in Vancouver, the DWG's not ready yet, the boy's in bed and I'm up alone, bored and whiny. And thanks for the Willie! hehe