Monday, May 26, 2008

What a weekend

I had some tests done on Friday
they neglected to tell me before I arrived
that I'd not be allowed to drive after
nor was I allowed to take a cab home

my friend Kimmie came and rescued me
I was whacked outta my gourd
and as a result I slept for the rest of the day
and through the night

I sooo wanted to spend the weekend riding
but instead....

I got up early and headed up Island to my bother's
cos his eldest was grad-ing as valedictorian
got as far as Crofton
stopped to see some old friends
it was niiiiiice

then headed to Courtenay
where it was 25 degrees in the shade
(that's 77 F for those of you metrically challenged)
so because I'd only packed warm clothes I had to shop
and then sit in a gymnasium with 300 others
at 30 - 34 degrees (86 to....well you get it)
watching and weeping as our baby boy
who is now 6ft 5in
spoke about the future
and mastering your fears
and being up to the challenge
and to go your own way
and be true to yourself


then we had a late supper
and tried to go to bed
but it was soo hot
and the we couldn't open the windows
so I didn't sleep
and the grad kids came to the house at 4:45 AM

around 8 I got a call from the cousin that lives here
that one of the maiden aunts that are visiting
from Toronto
had some kind of heart attack or stroke
so we careened back down the highway
the 3ish hours to get home
and see to them

I went to bed last night at 9
and slept till 6AM
went to work and got sent home at 2 pm
cos I wasn't able to keep my eyes open
and I've since fallen asleep on the couch
3 times

I'm a mess
I wonder if it's stress?
or heat?
or the drugs on Friday?
or lack of sleep?
or all of the above
I feel like crap!

the good news is that the aunt's condition is treatable
and my Crohn's is not on the move...

and thanks for comin out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have attended those grads (times 3) in Courtenay, and not once has the weather been anything but hot hot hot.
But watching the grads makes up for it. Congrats on the nephew being valedictorian!