Wednesday, January 07, 2009

News of my demise.....

is greatly exaggerated

I did a slight half gainer offa the high board at work today and spent the afternoon at VGH having x-rays etc

I was in the cafeteria at lunch time and walked past the coffee minute I was walking and the next I was flying thru the air with the greatest of ease...

landed on my lower back and my butt...
and had a second of not knowing who or where I was and then realized that there were about 30 people standing over me asking me if I was ok

they tell me I hit my head on the wall on the way down....
I don't remember that....

but I'm all good now....

end result - no breaks...slight concussion...sore neck & back bruised bottom - headache is gone and my arse smells like raspberry vinaigrette! (which is apparently what was spilled on the floor that caused said flying walenda!)


Anonymous said...

so does that mean you can walk up to people and ask them to smell yer butt?

just a thought

LD (marg)
ps - it was me who asked you to give me an email concerning help with blogger.. I've moved over dontcha know

Anonymous said...

so does that mean you can walk up to people and ask them to smell yer butt?

just a thought

LD (marg)
ps - it was me who asked you to give me an email concerning help with blogger.. I've moved over dontcha know

WyzWmn© said...

@ LD - if yer still at Shaw you have mail...

Arlenes Assinine Ravings said...

Hey sweetie you have to take better care of yourself. I still think we need to wrap you in bubble wrap just to keep you safe.
As to what we talked about before Re; Blogger forget the poor puppy i i i i i you know what they sound like when they are yipping about everything

Louie said...

Do your pants come with croutons?

Anonymous said...

oh and bacon bits too mmmmmm