Saturday, February 27, 2010
Once upon a time...
that was jealous
of my time on the computer
or of the books I read
so much so
that he'd unplug the modem
when I wasn't looking
and throw novels in the fireplace
and burn em
I got rid of him
seems I now have a puppy
with the same
way of thinking
she's bound and determined
to get between me
and whatever I'm doing
when I sit at the computer
she scratches at my leg
and whimpers
till I pay attention
and if I don't pick her up
she'll run around
to the other side
and scratch the other leg!
if I try to read a book
she'll stand between my eyes
and my book
so I can't read
or try to chew the pages
and just all round be a nuisance
by head butting my face...
jealous little tart!
but I love her
so I won't get rid of her LoL
I read a lot of blogs...
I mostly have been doing it through a reader
for quite a while I've been intending
to update my 3 blogs
WyzWmn's World
WyzWmn's Words to the Wise
Abarra ca Pocus
by sorting out the links
and replacing the dead one's
with new stuff
today seems to be the day
there's new tuneage links...
there's lots more motorcycle rider blogs
and blogs about writing by writers etc
on WyzWmn's World
all of the Pagan and Kraft blogs
have been moved to
Abarra ca Pocus
all the new links
are signified by (*new*)
have fun
I know I am!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
a sad weekend
of an acquaintance
was killed in a motorcycle crash
in typical form
the driver
had stolen the car
and abandoned the scene
only to be found the following day
by police...
the thing that gets me...
the question I keep asking myself
is what happened to that young man?
that 20 something man
that allowed him
to grow up
with such a complete lack
of respect for life?
what happened to him
to make him a murderer
in his 20's
one simple action
"steal a car"
lead to another
"get on the ferry"
lead to another
"buy and drink beer"
lead to another
"make an illegal U turn
in one of the places
most likely
to cause an accident
on this whole Island"
resulting in his
killing 2 motorcyclists
one simple action
will likely lead
to him spending
the rest of his life
in jail.
to what end?
and you know what's really scary?
I can't honestly say
if I'd have made it to him first
before the police
that he'd have even made it to jail
what's that kind of anger
make me?
big love to Leanne and Rob
and my Respects to her
Auntie Martha and Larry.

Saturday, February 20, 2010
I got dressed...
for my freakin coffee
and the phone rang
(what kinda idiot
would phone me before coffee...
and wtf is up
with no cream in the house
on Sat morn
I can't even blame this one
on the VOD!)
so I answered
and sat down at the puter
to converse with a moron
about my household insurance
and whilst conversing
I got to paying bills n shit
on line
Pixie started barking
cos she wanted up
so to shut her up
cos I was still on the phone
I picked her up
and set her on my chest
where she promptly turned tail
and climbed under my shirt
and into my bra
this brings to mind a couple of things:
A) who knew there was room in my bra for anything else?
B) I think I've created a boob monster
C) good thing I'm single...I'd hate to have to explain these tiny nail scratches on my boobs to anyone.
and how's your morning going??
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Olympics 2010
I fell asleep before the ceremonies and then watched it re-run way past my bedtime last night...
I wept...I didn't sniffle or get teary...I sobbed - with pride...which kinda surprised me cos I've been sorta not interested in the Olympics (even tho they are only 90 minutes away) cos I can't stand the hype and I can't help but think of a bajillion better ways for Canada to have spent all that money....but I did sob never the less . :o)
Still and all….I’m one very proud Canadian today I’ll tell ya…
then I watched this
and I can't help but have hope for the world
just sign me
Friday, February 12, 2010
We Are More
"We Are More" by Shane Koyczan
When defining Canada
you might list some statistics
you might mention our tallest building
or biggest lake
you might shake a tree in the fall
and call a red leaf Canada
you might rattle off some celebrities
might mention Buffy Sainte-Marie
might even mention the fact that we've got a few
Barenaked Ladies
or that we made these crazy things
like zippers
electric cars
and washing machines
when defining Canada
it seems the world's anthem has been
" been there done that"
and maybe that's where we used to be at
it's true
we've done and we've been
we've seen
all the great themes get swallowed up by the machine
and turned into theme parks
but when defining Canada
don't forget to mention that we have set sparks
we are not just fishing stories
about the one that got away
we do more than sit around and say "eh?"
and yes
we are the home of the Rocket and the Great One
who inspired little number nines
and little number ninety-nines
but we're more than just hockey and fishing lines
off of the rocky coast of the Maritimes
and some say what defines us
is something as simple as please and thank you
and as for you're welcome
well we say that too
but we are more
than genteel or civilized
we are an idea in the process
of being realized
we are young
we are cultures strung together
then woven into a tapestry
and the design
is what makes us more
than the sum total of our history
we are an experiment going right for a change
with influences that range from a to zed
and yes we say zed instead of zee
we are the colours of Chinatown and the coffee of Little Italy
we dream so big that there are those
who would call our ambition an industry
because we are more than sticky maple syrup and clean snow
we do more than grow wheat and brew beer
we are vineyards of good year after good year
we reforest what we clear
because we believe in generations beyond our own
knowing now that so many of us
have grown past what used to be
we can stand here today
filled with all the hope people have
when they say things like "someday"
someday we'll be great
someday we'll be this
or that
someday we'll be at a point
when someday was yesterday
and all of our aspirations will pay the way
for those who on that day
look towards tomorrow
and still they say someday
we will reach the goals we set
and we will get interest on our inspiration
because we are more than a nation of whale watchers and lumberjacks
more than backpacks and hiking trails
we are hammers and nails building bridges
towards those who are willing to walk across
we are the lost-and-found for all those who might find themselves at a loss
we are not the see-through gloss or glamour
of those who clamour for the failings of others
we are fathers brothers sisters and mothers
uncles and nephews aunts and nieces
we are cousins
we are found missing puzzle pieces
we are families with room at the table for newcomers
we are more than summers and winters
more than on and off seasons
we are the reasons people have for wanting to stay
because we are more than what we say or do
we live to get past what we go through
and learn who we are
we are students
students who study the studiousness of studying
so we know what as well as why
we don't have all the answers
but we try
and the effort is what makes us more
we don't all know what it is in life we're looking for
so keep exploring
go far and wide
or go inside but go deep
go deep
as if James Cameron was filming a sequel to The Abyss
and suddenly there was this location scout
trying to figure some way out
to get inside you
because you've been through hell and high water
and you went deep
keep exploring
because we are more
than a laundry list of things to do and places to see
we are more than hills to ski
or countryside ponds to skate
we are the abandoned hesitation of all those who can't wait
we are first-rate greasy-spoon diners and healthy-living cafes
a country that is all the ways you choose to live
a land that can give you variety
because we are choices
we are millions upon millions of voices shouting
" keep exploring... we are more"
we are the surprise the world has in store for you
it's true
so don't say "been there done that"
unless you've sat on the sidewalk
while chalk artists draw still lifes
on the concrete of a kid in the street
beatboxing to Neil Young for fun
don't say you've been there done that
unless you've been here doing it
let this country be your first-aid kit
for all the times you get sick of the same old same old
let us be the story told to your friends
and when that story ends
leave chapters for the next time you'll come back
next time pack for all the things
you didn't pack for the first time
but don't let your luggage define your travels
each life unravels differently
and experiences are what make up
the colours of our tapestry
we are the true north
strong and free
and what's more
is that we didn't just say it
we made it be.
A month of Pixie Highlights...
I just had my first trip to the vet...she says I only weigh 2lbs 9oz - but we'll have a better idea of how big I'm gonna be in a month...cos by 16 weeks I should be half my adult size
I jumped up on the couch all by myself today - mom called me a "little shit" that can't be right?
Mom thinks its wrong that I like to bring "chunks" of supper into the living room to eat at supper time...what do you think?
Jan 17
My mommy is so proud of me today - I did all my business this morning on the potty pads....she thinks it's cos she's an "effective communicator" but we all know it's just cos I'm so very very smart! shhhhhhhh don't tell mommy - I don't want to hurt her feels good.
My mom's calling me a "little shit" again cos I found some stuff she'd forgot she owned under the couch...yum! burp!
My mommy got me "dentabones" at that Wally place...I don't know what she was thinking cos they're bigger n my leg...I think she means well though
Jan 18
my mommy found out this morning that I was born on Sept 17, 2009 so that means I'm actually 18 weeks old and that means I am already half my growth size...she was right when she named me Pixie! I r gonna be little :o)
Mom says I have to stop being so dang cute or her boss won't let me come to work anymore....nobody's gettin nuttin done!
Jan 19
momma slept a lot last night...but it's ok cos I did too...we wuz tired - but we're fulla p n v now!
oh dear...I wanna play - momma has to work - this can't be good!
my momma went out for dinner and left me at home all alone :o(
I think I'm insulted! my mom just said "yer like a real dog...only really really little" - I'm not little...I'm vertically challenged!
Jan 20
this morning I'm playing freeze frame...every time momma looks at me I freeze and look right back at her....she think's I'm soooo smart
Jan 21
my momma says Booker Todd's mom does a nice goodmorning song for him...all I get is "mutter mutter grumble ouch mutter coffeee grunt coffeee snort coffeee" but if that's all I'm used to I guess it's my goodmorning song!
my momma says I'm gonna get me a tattoo...I wan't flowers but the lady what's doin it says numbers only cos she's not so talented.
Jan 22
momma has to take grammo to the big people's dr for a test - I have to stay home by myself cos they won't let me in the horse pistol :o(
my momma says: the Pixie pen is working - she's penned in the kitchen but none too can something that small set up such a racket?"
my momma is mad at me cos I waited till she was gone and then jumped over the Pixie pen...and got into the garbage...and when she got home I was busy chewin on a used razor...I think mom's mad cos she was scared I might have hurt myself...but I'm smart and didn' did say that there's gonna be a plan B for the Pi...xie pen...wonder what that means?
I gots the hic-me-upS!
momma says plan B didn't work...gotta come up with a plan C *sigh* doesn't she know I'm magic and can get outta everytin?
Jan 23
Diary of a Peanut Butter Addict by Pixie Dust...
there's no place to dig in this house so now my mom thinks I'm a flying monkey!
untie Kimmie is in here now! and she bought me a lovely pink and grey hoodie...momma likes it better n I do...but momma's weird anyway...
Jan 24
my momma is goin for brunch with Auntie Kimmie! Auntie Louie is still sick - Booker Todd should fetch her to the Dr.
momma says that Smitty's has "no sugar added" pancake syrop and whole wheat pancakes for the diabetics...but it's like eating wood and paste with no sweet...she says she'll stick to eggs in the future...
my momma says you guys is right - my name should be houdini instead of Pixie....I tole her "if ma head fits through the hole...the rest of me will find a way to didn't find it amuzing tho...
my momma says you guys is right - my name should be houdini instead of Pixie....I tole her "if ma head fits through the hole...the rest of me will find a way to didn't find it amuzing tho...
Jan 25
my momma says that now that she has me she knows where all the missing soxs in the end up
my momma abandoned me and left me all alone all day long and I didn't like it at all - but I stayed in my pen and was a good girl till momma came home...then I chewed on everything I could find just to teach momma a lesson...
ooooooooooooooooooo toilet paper.....weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Jan 26
I'm workin today - I help my momma lots....I lick everything for her!
my momma says her last dog was the toaster police...and I'm the microwave police...I don't know what she's talkin about but I sure do get excited when the microwave beeps!
Jan 27
I went to work with momma again today - and one of the ladies that works down the hall came and taught me how to bark - I like it! Momma? Not so much :o)
Jan 28
I love toilet paper cardboard...they are just my size for carryin!
Jan 29
my momma has to go to the horsepistol for a big test today - I'm not happy cos them horsepistol people won't let me go with her to take care of her. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
momma's home! momma's home! but shhhhhhhhhh she's sleeping...
Jan 30
momma says she doesn't understand why I gotta bring my breakfast into the libbinroom to eat it...I says it's cuz she does...but she ain't listening to me!
Ishe Mae gave my momma some clothes for me...I don't like em much...I keep telling her...I R a DOG! (even if I'm tiny!)
Jan 31
me and my momma went to her cuzin's house last night and I played with the big dog and tired him rite out!
my momma just told me that my breath would knock the buzzards offa gut I tole her "you try cleanin yer arse with your tongue and then talk to me about yer breath!"
my momma gived me the medicine...I didn't like it one little bit!
Feb 1
I stayed home all by my own self all day long! I was a big gurl.
Feb 2
my little bundle of joy has taught me soooo much 1. don't walk from the bedroom to the bathroom without turning the lights on (presents on the carpet) 2. apparently I can eat peanut butter...but I can't wear it (she gets it outta her kong and rubs it on my face and I get hives) 3. apparently in dog lingo "use the pot...ty pad" means only yer front feet have to be on the pad (see #1)
Feb 3
my momma gots a booboo...but I kissed it better...lots and lots...
Feb 4
my momma had a shower...I momma laughed - but it was kinda a stangly laugh and kinda freaked me out!
Feb 5
momma says I ruint her sunny disposition this morning...I was just excited to see her and besides...her bed is way too high to make a quick escape least I went to the end of the bed before I plotzed! *sigh*
Feb 7
apparently my mommy doesn't understand how much fun rolls of toilet paper are for someone my I found a rack with a bunch of rolls on it on the floor by the toilet...if ya grab and end and run you can get alla way into the living room without stopping!
Feb 8
momma says I've "got the flatulence" wonder what that means?
I had a yucky tummy while momma was at work and yakked - but I'm better now :o)
my momma's coat fell offa the chair....well...I helped it a little :o) and then I hided my chewy in her pocket.....think she'll find it?
Feb 9
my momma says I gots a secrets admirer - someone dropped off a pink Kong Wobba at her work for me - and snuck in and did it while she wasn't at her she has noooo romanitc!
Feb 10
today I am 5 mths old!!
Feb 11
momma says "puppies are like children...if they're being real quiet...sommat's up" This morning while momma was in da showers I got up on her desk and found a half a roll of Rolaids...I ated dem amd now momma's not happy with me...or the white paste on the dark green rug...she says "betcha yer pooh is gonna be a funny ...color tonite!" *sigh*
Feb 12
I can't wait for the weekend so my momma can stay home with me and doesn't have to lock me in the kitchen all day...the kitchen's nice...but I'd rather be with my momma!
Saturday, February 06, 2010
the bother and the blister
went into the hospital
to have her back glued
(successfully I might add)
I barely knew about it
cos now that the "golden boy"
has become the "saint du jour"
the VOD is only communicating
with me
when she wants a bottle of scotch
so after work I go to the hosp
to see how she is
I get there
and the bother and the nefew
are holding court
the neace is on her way down
as she's flying to Sask
to be scouted
by Uni level coaches
for scholarships...
so it is decided
that the bother, the nefew and myself
will leave the VOD's hospital room
and adjourn to a pub
just around the corner
from my place
for din dins
the bother is worried
about the neace
as it's her first trip
driving herself
down island
and into the "big" city
so all the way thru dinner
he's texting her
(altho her reading said texts
while driving could now cost
this new driver $167 and
3 points - bonehead)
every time she responds
I have to read the text
to the bother
cos he's too vain to have
brought his reading glasses
into the pub
so he gets a text
he opens the phone
but can't read it
hands it to me
I read a text
only it's from the blister:
"musta been a real treat having
to spend the whole day
at the hospital
with Wyz"
fuck eh?
so now I can't get my head around
how much of this kinda smack talk
has been going on betwixt
the bother and the blister
all the time?
and behind my back
yet again?
does that mean that they really
don't think I'm a nice person?
or a good person?
or have the best of intentions?
and srsly
wtf did I ever do to either of them
that was so life alteringly mean
or cruel or harsh?
every time I think I'm making
headway with the blister
I find out it's all a facade
I'm tired of the people
I love and respect
(altho sometimes I wonder why I do)
treating me like a floor mat
I so don't get people's need
to be mean
does it make them feel better
about themselves
to chuck needless/endless shit
at or about someone else?
why do I give a shit?
why is it
that I can feel good
about myself
and the place I'm in
in my life right now
and one little fuck up
like this
hurts my feelings
to doubt myself
on every level?
what is it about me
that allows those people
and their mean
and minuscule opinions
to continue to matter
to me?
just shut up
and fuck off
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
The Bladder Scope...
having a bladder scan
they take yer glasses away from you
so ya can't see squat
and feel kinda puky
then they gauze and tape
yer earrings
so that nothing happens to them
while yer under
(and that's real purdy)
then they put this
really itchy
party hat on ya
(and purdy ain't a word
to describe it let me tell you....)
then some one grabs ya
by the ankles
and yards ya down the table
(no small feat for anyone
considering my size)
and straps ya
in the stirrups
from the knees down..
.just in case ya might wanna
frickin escape
I guess...
a position,
I might add
that I thought
that at almost
55 yrs of age
I'd not be coming up against
again - anytime soon
boy was I wrong.
then one cowboy
ties a tourniquet
around my right arm
whilst another
is givin me a freakin skin pop
in my left arm
( my day
we punched people in the head
for bubblin yer arm like that!)
and right
in the middle
of all this
some nurse
starts to scrub
my who ha
with what felt like
a wire brush!
so much as
a "by your leave"
er nuttin!
the drugs took over
and I don't remember anything
till I woke up in the recovery room
where the OR nurse
came to tell me
that in all the many years
she's been an OR nurse
she'd never talked to anyone
anywhere near
as funny as I am
whist under the influence
of anesthetic...
all this
so they could tell me
that there really is
wrong with my bladder