Sunday, March 28, 2010

Green Man

2 summers ago

for my birthday
my friend Arlene/Draculeyes
got me a tattoo
it was done by our friend Craig
a Green Man
but one with some autumn colours

as luck would have it
and sometimes happens
the lines blew out
and leached dark shadows
down my arm
not the nice kinda shadows
that comes with artistry
but the kind that
makes ya look like
ya don't bathe often enough

Craig died at New Years
so my window of opportunity
for him to fix up around
my Green Man
slammed shut
and because
he'd done the original
I had some concern

around honouring his memory
and keeping the tat intact
as he'd intended...
cos I'm all bent like that

this weekend
for the last day of her holidays
my blister and I
went to get tattooed

funnily enough
the only tattoo that I have
that she hadn't been present for
was the Green Man
so it seemed appropriate
that she'd be there for this
and I decided to get some
work done on it

the tattooist is a guy named Sparky
who owns Urge Tattoos in Victoria
and he's done a couple on each of us
in the past...

he's done a smashing job
and is a true artist...
he drew it by hand
same as Craig had

I have to return

on Tues April 6th
cos I wimped out
and couldn't

get it all done
in one sitting...

and here's a thing
tattoo aftercare
has changed so much
over the years

but what hasn't changed
is taping the bandage over it
for the first day
to keep infection out
and the gunk in

when you get one
on your shoulder
like I did
they have a tendency
to wrap the tape
around your underarm
to keep it on overnight

so me?
just for shits and giggles
I had some kinda reaction to the tape

not around the tattoo
but in my underarm
it's so not pretty LoL

and can I just say?
removing the tape
from said underarm
was worse
than getting the tattoo itself

cos I apparently are a big wimp

this Green Man is going to be the basis
for some more skin artwork methinks
but I'm just in the plotting stages
for now
so stay tuned

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