Wednesday, April 06, 2005

things are lookin up

today my boss at the call center sent me the following:

WyzWmn (sic) is quickly becoming one of the strongest team leads at (Corp). (Wyz's)'s no bull attitude, is offset by devotion to team and drive to support individual needs such as pay discrepancies, schedule changes and days off. Further (Wyz) has earned respect from her team through sheer tenacity for answers to assist in her CSR's daily interaction with Business Customers and the Client. (Wyz)'s current stats reflect motivated team work towards team and center goals. AHT 105 pts lower than bottom goal, QA 90%. Nice Job Wyz(sic)!

I am all farklempt


Anonymous said...

Congrats girlie, being that I work there too, I understand how hard it is to get the proverbial pat on the back.

Anonymous said...

Congrats girlie, being that I work there too, I understand how hard it is to get the proverbial pat on the back.

WyzWmn© said...

I'll try not to let it go to my head!!