Saturday, May 07, 2005

more on hell...

here's the thing

if I decide to move I won't be able to afford a holiday this summer and after the winter I've had...I need a week er so at
Toad Rocks with my friends!!

I talked to the offensive putz again last night
apparently he's going to be moving to a different (larger) apartment at the other end of the building at the end of this month

sooooo that means I'll maybe get a sane neighbour this time...
I won't hold my breath...
but I will bide my time....

and as for the Pickle....
I'm on a quest for lockin gas caps that'll fit her right now!!

oh and I forgot....a couple of my riding friends have offered to camp in my parking lot for a couple of nights to see if they can't "assist" the local constabulary in stopping the vandalism...but I don't think we're goin there.... hehehehehe

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