Friday, April 20, 2007

Happy Friday!

First off
This week has proven to be a bit of a challenge as my boss has been a hysteric all week…culminating in her sitting in her office and crying for hours yesterday.
I’ve tried to be empathetic but it’s hard
She’s all prickly and dismissive
So I’m of the “Stay Low n Keep Moving” persuasion
I’ve been here for about 45min this morning and she’s crying again
So maybe I’ll just close her office door so I don’t have to listen to her
Sound’s like I’m being a bitch – but frankly – people who spend all their time with their heads in the clouds cry a lot when they land back on earth with a resounding thump!

There are entirely too many people that feel a need to impart upon you the “right” and “wrong” of what you are doing at any given time of the day and mostly I don’t take it personally – but she sure seems to.

Moving on….
2 years ago I attended a motorcycle event here in BC called the Summer Stomp
It was a rather monumental event for me on a couple of levels…my trike broke down on the Coquilhalla Highway 30 miles from nowhere on the side of a mountain with sheer drops on both sides and no water to drink in 37 degree Celsius weather (that’s 100 Fahrenheit for those of you that are metric challenged) – the only saving grace was that my buddy Bryan was with me and kept me from getting airborne…he did so in his usual pedantic style by parking his trike behind mine and pulling his cap over his eyes and going to sleep!

I ended up being towed all the way across the connector to Kelowna BC to find someone to work on my then old and tired trike motor and then I had to climb on to Bryan’s trike and come back 2 days later to pick it up!

This was also the weekend that I introduced Bryan to my friend BeeWise and a year later stood with them when they got married – so it was an auspicious holiday in more ways than one….

But I digress yet again!

So that summer when many of my friends gathered at the rally called Summer Stomp – one of the fellows that was there is an American Merchant Marine named PFGeorge (Georgie’s nickname won’t be used in it’s entirety for this missive but keep in mind that we are bikers and our nicknames reflect personality often – not to be used in public but we do anyway…so the P in PFGeorge stands for Pig and the rest I will let your own imagination deal with!)

Anyhow –PFGeorge was just returning from a stint in the east and had a day or two in Singapore and while there purchased gifts for many of his female friends (sly fellow knows the way to our hearts) – we got lovely silk scarves, we got key chains depicting the Merlion and we got lovely little silk and velvet embroidered bags on long cords, just big enough to hold your “family jewels”.

As it was so hot I immediately took off all 8 of my sterling silver rings and placed them in the bag and wore the bag around my neck for the rest of my holiday. (heat does really “fluidy” things to post menopausal women) Now these rings are a collection of silver that I have acquired over my lifetime – a Mexican calendar coin, a Lothlorien leaf ring, a faceless fairy for protection, 2 very powerful Celtic knot rings, a RFS ring an antique onyx claddagh that was my great grandmother’s and my Wisdom ring.

Each one had special meanings for me…the Mexican ring was given to me by an elder after a particular tough time in my life in my 20’s, the Lothlorien ring was a gift from my former religious association when I reached the position of Wisdom as was my Wisdom ring (when I say former I mean cos I don't live in that area anymore - but I'm still of that religious conviction). The Celtic knot rings are both heritage rings and serve as protection as does the faceless fairy (which I’ve been wearing since I reached womanhood in my early teens) and the RFS ring I was awarded when I stepped up to the plate and became the BC RFS chair 7 years ago (a position I have since retired from)

So fast forward a week and I return from my holidays that summer and my parents are at my home…I remember pulling the little bag with the rings in it out to show them….and after that I have no recollection of the bag or the rings… I looked high and low for a few months and then assumed that I’d somehow thrown them out.

A month ago whilst attending the hand fasting of some friends in Nanaimo I went shopping with my friend BeeWise and finally admitted defeat and purchased a rather loverly sterling sliver ring. It looks for all the world sort of “ Star Trek” ish.

Last night I was in my store room tossing boxes around trying to make room for the Dell computer boxes that I have to save just in case I ever need them. I pulled some shoe boxes off of a shelf and heard the distinct chime of jewellery. Pulled the rest of the boxes off that shelf and spot a long black cord. Moved some more stuff and there’s the embroidered silk and velvet bag fulla rings!

Karma works in mysterious ways no?
Out came the polishing cloth and today I am wearing some of my long lost rings.

I am a happy camper…and that coupled with the seeming “act of god” that allows a pay check to mysteriously appear in my account every second Friday and the fact that I am off tomorrow morning for a weekend of “women” with 35 ladies from my riding club (what more does a girl need than 35 women, a smallish island, flannel jammies and a credit card?)

....makes this a very Happy Friday indeed!

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