Saturday, April 28, 2007

I don't know why

people are always trying to fix me?

if I say I'm gonna do something
invariably there's 10 people
that can offer me
a different way to do it
or a better way to do it
or a more costly way to do it...

see.....I've got a wee bit of psychosis
in the money department
I am never again going to knowingly
live beyond my means

it's not like I live in fear
but that kind of guilt, or remorse
damn near killed me the last time
and I didn't do it
my ex did!

I got robbed and he got away
but I still had to pay for the truck
2 HD's and a trailer
not to mention the house I lost as a result
and my business
and my health....

so I've learned my lesson
and I won't go there...

but no matter how often I say it
people are always trying to fix me!

case in point
I need to buy a car
cos I live 25 min away
from my job

I had decided to purchase
a beater
to tide me over till I get outta debt
so last night I'm cruising used car lots on line
and I find a couple of "potentials"

this morning I went over to the VOD's
to ask if she wants to come with
while I look
cos she's the one
that has this big push on
for me to get a car
and stop driving hers

I get it but I don't
her pushing for me
to stop driving hers
if ya get my drift?

she can't drive right now
not cos she doesn't know how
and not cos she's too old
or infirm
she can't drive cos she cancelled
her 2nd cataract surgery
and that means she can't see properly
so she can't drive
and now she's decided
that I'm lying to her about what the Dr said
to get to use her car...
soooooo...I need to get a car

but my question is
is it worse for her car to sit in the lot
with no use for a year and a half
or for me to use it
and save myself the trouble
of buying a car when I can't really afford it yet?
but I digress yet again...

so this morning I go over to the VOD's
and ask
and she get's all excited cos we're goin to Kia

I say...Kia? nobody said nuttin about Kia
she says "well I keep telling you
that you can get a brand new Kia
for payments of less than
200.00 a mth over 5 years"
and I say..."but I don't want a Kia"
and then she's off to the races about what
a PITA I am

uhhhh wait?
excuse me?
I'm the pain in the ass
cos I've just come outta
a bankruptcy
and don't want to go any further
into debt than I need to at this juncture?

cos I want to buy a beater?
wasn't it just yesterday you were
harpin at me to sink 1000.00 into the
old hundred dollar car
to get it back on the road?
are you outta yer mind?


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