Tuesday, September 11, 2007


six years later....


do you remember what you were doing
Sept 11 2001?

I got up in the morning to an email from a family member
it simply said "Oh my god...turn on the news"

so I sat
in my burgundy recliner
in the safety of my living room
in my flannel nightgown
and chenille robe
from morning to late afternoon
and crying inconsolably....

thousands of things stand out for me
the fear of those people in the Towers
and on the planes
the phone cell phone calls
the fact that a charged cell phone could be used as a light
the devastation
the deaths
the dirt

remember the triage set up across the river that serviced almost no one?remember the loss of demeanor of the news anchors?
remember the postulating of politicians?
remember the tears of those left behind?

where were you Sept 11, 2001?

I remember one thing with absolute clarity
I remember thinking that life is just this tenuous
and that we need to remember that slim window called life

in everything we do and say
from morning to night
day in day out

and so...on Sept 12, 2001
I set about "getting my life back"
I set about "getting me back to being me"

sometimes I've succeeded
and sometimes....not so much

but all the time
I am conscious of that slim window
that closed for so many
Sept 11, 2001

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