Thursday, November 27, 2008

the eyes have it ....again....

I'm still having the devil of a time with my eyes

for the first time in my life I understand the term "tired eyes" and when they are not tired they are sore or itchy...

my extending or "big picture" vision is ok for the most's the minute stuff that's a challenge...I have to work at focusing for reading the written word on the page or on the screen

The prescribed drops..while working on the big issue...burn like a sonofabitch....however, we've pretty much been able to ascertain that these headaches are stemming from overuse of my eyes coupled with the Cogan's Dystrophy and I sincerely hope there's been no long term damage...

My computer time is limited because of the focusing issue and this new medication makes me much more light sensitive (like I needed help eh?) so I have to save the lion's share of what time I have for work...cos I do have to pay rent

the real kicker for me is the doing nothing when I'm off thing...I can sit still with the best of them, that's as a result of years of being sick...but for the last 10 years if I'm not on line...I'm reading or watching TV....

and right now it's not like I can read or watch TV - but I can drive...cos I can see the big picture....


Yup...I am once again...a paradox of my own making...

I have no idea how long it will be before I can go back to spending regular time on line...and I'm sorry for that... I feel like I'm letting people down

but I also know if I don't take care of my eyes...I may damage them permanently...and that would mean that I'd be this kind of limited this for the rest of my life...

I mean really.... I worked as a volunteer for the Ride for Sight for 20 years.... I musta learned nuttin!

1 comment:

Louie said...

Take care of those eyes! I don't think BT would make a very good seeing eye dog. He'd have you on the run from cats. hehe