Sunday, January 18, 2009

funny how

as you get older your life has a tendency to careen outta control

not badly
but it just seems to zoom past faster n a speeding bullet sometimes...

where did this freakin weekend go?

I spent the weekend at the cuz's place
minding their elderly and arthritic retriever

this dog was trained as a puppy to be a hunt fetch dog
so he has what's known in those circles as a "soft mouth"
this means that the dog spends all his time walking around
with something soft in his soft mouth
which means that there's more sox on the lawn than there is in the house if ya ain't careful

this morning my dad (who came to town to visit me)
let the dog out and didn't tie him up
so the dog went on a break away

he's old
not stupid
he was lookin to get him some strange stuff

as a result
it took me for freakin ever to find him
and then when I did I couldn't get him in the damn ladybug
(big dog tiny car)

so I had to drive the car back with my arm out the window
holding onto the leash
verrrrry slooooowwwwwwlly
he's old don't cha know

we musta been some kinda picture
the ladybug
me in my "Guinness" toque
and the dog
with a freakin sock in his mouth....

I got home to 173 emails
I've been gone since Friday
I gotta get a freakin life!


Unknown said...

ROFL Thanks fer the laff :0)

Anonymous said...

That is freakin hilarious!! I would have love to seen the video!