Thursday, May 07, 2009

Good times

so yesterday I had to leave early
to pick the VOD up at the local hosp
where she was having tests done

apparently she can get herself there
but not home

so anyway
I pull up in the little driveway
but the front door of our wee community hosp
and there's 3 parking spots for picking people up
the middle one is empty
so I pull ahead to back in
and before I can back in
some guy pulls into the spot
from behind me

I mutter
and drive across the road and park there
I walk into the front lobby
and the VOD is sitting there
all ready to go
so I suggest
I'll take a quick trip to the facilities
and we'll head home

picture a small lobby
with a few chairs
all of which are occupied
and across the other side is the
unisex washroom
I go in
lock the door
drop my strides
and start my business

about mid stream
there comes this racket
at the door
someone trying to get in

I think to myself
"good thing I locked the door"
the racket gets louder
and louder again
and all of a sudden
the door bursts open
and in strides
the same fellow
that copped my parking space
he stands in the doorway
with the door wide open
showing me
and my seated glory to every
seated in the lobby

I bark "hello - it's occupied"
and pray I don't have to jump up

he mutters and backs out
I finish my business
and wash my hands
thinking: "well at least I know
I'm still not too old to blush
when caught with my pants
down around my ankles"

I come out of the restroom
and the same fellow
is standing outside the door
and he starts to yell at me
"you yelled at me - and it scared me!"

to which I yelled back
"ya...well you scared me, the door was locked
and I had my pants down pissing!!"

the VOD beetles out the door ahead of me....

what is it about me
and washrooms?

I don't get it

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