Thursday, May 21, 2009

so many toys

so little money

apparently I did not win 49 million last night

I'm working on a wish list for when I get my car paid off

it's cuz I'm a greedy bitch...ya know?

  • digital SLR camera
  • a net book - can't decide which one quite yet but I want one for traveling
  • Amazon Kindle for ebooks
  • an iPhone or iTouch...again...won't decided till the time I purchase
  • a mc tent trailer...I lean towards the TourMaster...but time will tell
  • somewhere else to live - where it's quiet, and I can do laundry and time of the day or night
  • a different job
I hear that you gotta put it out there...or it won't happen
so this is me putting it out there....



Anonymous said...

I know this may sound silly...but in addition to doing this in a vision collage and put it up on the fridge, or whereever it might be very visible. And then decide what the easiest one is to do.......and I lay will happennnnnnnnn

White Tiger said...

I would say that is a good start for a wish list.
But for the "a different job" you state, you may need them both with this list.