Tuesday, September 15, 2009

did ya ever wonder

what it is
that brings people to your blog
to read?

did you ever wonder what it was
that you could say or do
that would attract others?

I have
over the course of the time
I've had this blog
written about personal feelings
occurrences and events in my life

and a rather lengthy story
based on my personal experiences
in my misspent youth
(yes...I know...it's yet to be finished
...what? am I outta time er sommat???

In August of 2005
a friend of mine passed away
in a motorcycle accident

it was devastating for me personally
and for my then
rather large group of friends

I wrote an eulogy for him
that I read
and almost got completely through
at his service

a few people that could afford to
got honorarium tattoos
and those of us
who couldn't afford to get inked
chose to do some fund raising
for his widow and children

the following year
going into riding season
we had a memorial ride...
(always held at a
close friend's home)
and at that time
I also penned a "Toast to Absent Friends"

it has always been a tradition in my
own family to toast absent friends
and I expounded upon the original
familial "here's to absent friends"
and posted the toast here
in May of 2006

to date
more than 35%
of the close to 30, 000 visits
to this blog
that I have tracked
since Nov of 06
have been people searching
for a Toast to Absent Friends.

I'm honoured.

I guess that means
that the other 65%
of the people tracked
are those of you
that swear categorically
that you don't read
save the 6-10 of you that
actually admit to reading

Yah,...all you people
that think you are here
yah...not so much!

who exactly do you think
yer foolin?


Louie said...

I catagorically deny ever having read your blog....ever! hehe I'm just here for the pictures.

Anonymous said...

yeah, and I am just here looking for Louie's blog

Unknown said...

I was never here either! LOL