Tuesday, December 29, 2009

On the way to a new year

every year at this time
humanity in general
set firm resolutions
for the betterment of their lives

I'm gonna lose weight
I'm gonna get a new job
I'm gonna find a new home
I'm gonna take the dog for a walk
I'm gonna pray daily
I'm gonna get smarter...get better...get more

it's hard not to have your resolutions
revolve around the constant inundation
of advertisements

buy Montel Williams' Health Master blender and all will be right in your world
buy "Slim in 6" and all will be right in your world
buy a wee digital camera and all will be right in your world
buy an oven, a fryer, an ab cruncher, a kindle, an iPhone, stainless appliances, an air cleaner, a vacuum, a hair accessory, a dvd, a cook book, a how to book, a car...
.....and all will be right in your world

I'm thinkin about the fact
that I am but a work in progress
and I'm hoping that instead of resolving
to better better, brighter, smarter, righter...

I'll just continue to progress in a manner
that allows me to look at myself
in the mirror in the morning...

that'll be good enough for me.

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