Thursday, August 31, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
Memorial to Fallen Riders...
what started out to be a memorial ride
for a brother we lost 8/14/05
Eric "Lucky" Eytcheson
however on 8/25/06 we lost another brother
Jeff "Muttley" Pritchett
yesterday approximately 95 motorcycles
with approximately 150 people showed up
to pay respects to our lost brothers and their families
it was possibly one of the most moving events of my life....
I watched as the wife and family of the man that we lost last year
stopped by the side of the highway to pay respects to and leave flowers with the wife and the family of the man we lost this week
and then all of the riders
one by one
stopped and paid respect
in the form of flowers
to the wife and family
of the man we lost
this week
words failed me then
and they fail me now...
we went on to the home of one of our members
and had a BBQ and some reminiscing of our lost brothers
and then we had a little praying and speechifying
and then we left to come home
one thought remains in my mind...
after a day like yesterday...
how can anyone have any question about the caliber of people we ride with?
how can anyone not know that at the end of the day we are all the same...
in some way shape or form?
and how can we not commit to each other
to endeavor to not place anyone else's name
on that memorial list?
Friday, August 25, 2006
also file this under....
I called them mental midgets at the Purolator today at 10:30 AM
they told me it was on the truck to be delivered today
so I called the VOD and got her outta bed and had her go to my place and wait all day
I got home tonight and she's bitchy cos nobody delivered nothing
I sit down to listen to my messages
and there's a message from the same asshole I talked to at Purolator...only for about 15 min later telling me that there is a parcel at the warehouse for me to pick up M-F 9-5
I swear
these fucktards are fast taking the fun outta this
Thursday, August 24, 2006
the Voodoo God
about my lovely neighbour the "Voodoo God"
and his erstwhile partner "Lemon Sucker"
I had a run in with them at the beginning of the summer
of gargantuan proportions
and as a result had to file a police report
etc etc etc
so all over the village I've heard reports all summer
about this guy who's named himself "the Prince of Jamaica"
turns out it's the Voodoo God
and he's a 9 alarm piss tank
qu'elle suprise?
(he told me to my face that he was a Voodoo God and that he was gonna show up with his "Legion of Terror and rain down harm and pestilence upon me and cut me into little cancerous pieces!")
the Lemon Sucker works at the grocery store next door to our building
and refuses to serve me when I go to the grocery store...
I can imagine how a man would have to drink to live with a sour old boot like that
but I digress
I have
several times
run in to them
never together
in the hallways and walkways
of our building
she always glares and puckers up like she's about to say something
but never does...
he never looks me in the eye...
I remain curtly civil (above and beyond the call if ya ask me)
So Sunday mornin I'm out in the parking lot
going to meet my riding club
and here comes the VooDoo God
takin his garbage out
and as he's returning from the dumpster
he says to me:
"look ....I mighta said some nasty shit"
"ya think?" says I
"well I'm Jamaican and we're hot blooded"
(hmmmmm me thinks I ain't even going there)
so I guess that was an apology?
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
file this under...
so ya'll know that I blew up my puter about 6 weeks ago
and now I'm waitin for the "macdaddy" Dell that I ordered to be delivered
I am so stoked about having a computer again...I just can't wait...
but then - life takes hold and I find that once again - I just cain't do nuttin right...
when I confirmed my order with the Dell employee that called me from a call center in another country...I informed him that I didn't want him to deliver it to my apartment
I wanted it delivered to the VOD's (Voice of Doom mother) apartment next door....the confirmation guy in a call center in another country told me in something that loosely resembled English that I would have to contact the courier for that
Dell ships via Purolator
and Purolator in my city is open from 9-6 M-F
and I work from 9-5 M-F
and I live at least a half hour away from Purolator
I call Purolator and am informed that it is "physically impossible" for them to ship the boxes next door...that the act of delivering to apt 111 as opposed to apt 109 would cause major issues and bring upon and or pending the beginning of the end of the somthin~
I call Dell...and I am informed that the order has shipped so the only way to change the delivery address is to have it returned and then re-ship or they can fill out forms and that will take 7 days and by that time it will be too late cos the order has shipped already - and frankly anyone can sign for it so maybe you can get the person at 111 to sit in 109 for the next week or so on the off chance that Purolator will show up with a delivery...
ya know?
they are sucking all the fun outta this for me...I'm now of the opinion that I should be telling em to take that new puter...and fold it up in a really small ball....AND RAM IT UP THEIR COOLOO!
if ya get my drift?
Monday, August 21, 2006
I've added my own stuff at the end...
From HighPriestess:
I am not perfect. (I know, I know, it's a shock) However, it has become more and more apparent these days that many people have no home trainin'. So, in the interest of my sanity, I would like to go over some rules of etiquette. Let's start with the basics:
Personal Space: Don't invade mine. I won't invade yours. Hugs are great at the right time and place. Your hand on my ass without permission isn't. Some of you have a free pass to have your hand on my ass anytime - you know who you are . If you are not sure, it's not you.
My House: Don't show up unannounced. It's rude. If you are in the neighborhood and want to stop by, call first. Give me a chance to lie and say I am not home if I don't want company or if I am busy. Of course, emergencies happen and if you need a place to crash my door is always open. Just don't abuse the privilege.
My Computer: If I let you in my house, I probably don't mind you using my computer. However, it's best to ask first, especially if I am not using it. For God's sake, don't download a bunch of shit or change all my settings. I really don't care how you like it.My Vehicle: Sure you can ride with me. No, you can't play with the fucking radio or A/C. Hot or Cold? Let me know, I'll adjust it. Don't like the music? Suck it up. If you just can't stand the song, ask if you can turn it down so we can 'talk'.
My Motorcycle: If it's Ok for you to ride it, I'll offer. Don't ask. End of story.
My food: No you cannot taste it. Don't ask. If I think it's that good, I'll offer you a bite. And I would not suggest you reach for anything on my plate. (Unless you like the look of a knife through your hand) Same goes for my drink. As for dessert, never take bites without asking.
In Public:
Elevators: OK, this is a major pet peeve of mine. First, don't block the fucking up and down buttons. Push yours and get out of my way. Second, don't rush the door when it opens or you might get punched in the neck. Trampling me on my way out will not get you to your floor any faster, unless you are going down in which case I will gladly show you the stairs.
On the road: The merge lane is a gazillion feet long for a fucking reason, people. Don't stop and wait for a place unless you have run out of room. And if you are already on the highway and approach an on ramp, get your ass outta the way if you can. I have just as much right to get on as you do. In the store: It's really not a place to catch up with old friends. Especially if you are standing in front of the cereal and I need to get some. Go chat over a nice triple-soy-mocha-latte at Starbucks.
Miscellaneous Stuff:
Trips: This one applies to bikers especially, but really to everyone. I know we ride alot with friends, and make little trips and stuff. However, if you find out I have a trip planned with another person, don't invite yourself along (especially if it is a spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend). If I want you along, I will ask you. It may have nothing to do with you. Or it may have everything to do with you. It doesn't really matter, there's a reason you weren't invited. And, if you have planned a trip with me, don't invite others along without asking me first. You may like them, but I may not. I respect your right to spend time with anyone you choose. When you spend time with me, respect my right to do the same. This is especially important to the bikers because I may feel uncomfortable with your friends riding skills. Give me the opportunity to say no before you drag someone else along and make me miserable. If they really make me uncomfortable for one reason or another, I respect you enough that I will bow out gracefully.
My Personal Life: You know who you are to me, and you know who you aren't. If I don't share details of my personal life with you, don't put me on the spot. If you don't already know, I probably am not ready/willing to share. If you wish to become my confidante, give it time. But don't be nosey.
added by another e- friend - Bloody Wrench
CONVENIENCE STORE CLERKS: get off the f'n phone!! at least put it down while you're waiting on me, I don't care if you talk to me or not, I'm not there to make a new friend, but show me the courtesy of giving a shit whether or not I spend my money in your store... ie: save the details of last night's tryst til after I'm away from the counter!!
ANY CLERK: save the old home talk with your buddy leaning against the register until I get done conducting my business. I don't give a flying flip how long it's been since you've seen each other, I want to pay for my items and get the double hockey sticks out of the store. At least have the courtesy to pause your conversation until IÂm gone.
BUDDY LEANING AGAINST THE REGISTERS: step out of my way!!!! DonÂt make me move you, and don't think I won't.....
Added by DJFreeRider:
The work place: Don't whine about your job, your pay, your boss, or your company........Just do the job you agreed to do! If you don't like the job, you have a choice...quit! If you don't like your pay do something about it, like work harder to get a raise, or.....Quit! If you don't like the boss.....SO! Don't go drinking with them......or quit! Remember you have a choice and you make one everyday.......If you choose to go to work, then do the friggin job and stop whining.......or QUIT!
added by WildChild:
Highway Driving: Don't drive 20 MPH down a road in front of me because you can't talk on a cell phone and drive at the same time. Most people can multi task!
My Personal Pet Peeves:
Taking Advantage: Don't assume cos I ride a trike and am single that my back seat is open season for your kids, aunts, grannies, flaky friends or spare men...nor should I be expected to haul your tent, sleeping bag, chairs, coolers, food or booze...if I wanted a passenger I'd have a partner....and if I wanted to carry all yer crap I'd drive a truck!
Don't even ask!
Reaching out: I have a 9 to's loosely based on the concept that I am not coherent or pretty or remotely polite before 9 AM and after 9 if ya show up at my door after 9 PM and ya ain't will be when ya leave!
Friday, August 18, 2006
Thursday, August 17, 2006
I must be getting old....
when fall didn't start till like October?
what is up with this cold crap in the mornings???
I wanna file a complaint!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Blind Sided
blind sided
my intuition has always been
such that
should I meet someone
and the hackles on the back of my neck raise
I know enough to step away
get out of the pool
hide under the bed
exit stage left
cease and desist...
should my hackles not raise
upon the very first meeting
over time
I find out...
cos in general...
I watch people.
I have recently found out
that a person that I valued
has no integrity
a person that I see virtually on a daily basis
had me hoodwinked into believing
that they were moral and ethical and honest
that person is not
not moral
not integral
not ethical
and not honest
I am blind sided
I am sooo blind sided
that all I can think to say
is that Karma will out
evil will lose in the end
it always does
mark my words
it always does!
So mote it be!
Holly Daze
is not the end of your holiday
but the return to work!
a breif synopsis of the holiday by my friend Louie
"bacon bits, arms up, cake, half ply, simulated, stimulated, gas cap, socks, constitution, teaspoon, and F.K. (at the gas station) You my friend are an absolute delight. Thanks for letting me on the back of your baby, and for making my weekend the best ever. I mean that. Your stories keep me sane. You're the crazy one, ergo, I must be the normal one. hehe."
that about sums it up :0)
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
8/14/2005 - 8/14/2006
Eric missing brother...I spent the day yesterday riding in the mountains and remembering you...
you'd have loved it!
I spoke with some of our brother's and sisters of the road and we had a moment to remember "absent friends" in the morning before we left - we felt you the mountains and the treesI thought about how much we miss your laughter, I thought about the way life has changed over the year since you've been gone...I thought about how often we reflect upon you and speak of you...
I thought about your children and YHe's -
Know that we are all well brother - just as I know that you watch over us when we are spending our days...
in the mountains...
thinking of you.
In memorium Eric Eytcheson
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Rain Rain Go Away...
well the trip isn't short but the time is - only got 4 days to pack in a lot of travelling
so I'm busy planning and getting stuff ready to load early Friday to catch an early boat offa this rock
I wake up this morning - my last day of work - and it's raining - first time all summer!
and my rainsuit is in the trunk of the car
and the car is up Island until tonight
so I am looking forward to a day of wet boots n pants at work
ain't life grand???
~I swear - ya gotta laugh er yer hair falls out!~
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
I have several friends that now blog
my whine relates to their blogs
it has nothing to do with content
it's all about set up and control
each blog is held by a different company
all are likely free as well
in order to leave a comment
ya have to be a member of their "site"
so to post a comment on an MSNspaces blog
ya have to have an account and be signed in
so to post a comment on a WeblogUS blog
you have to have an accoun tand be signed in
so to post a comment on a Xangablog
you have to have an account and be signed in
to post a comment
they require you have a freakin account and be signed in
why would I want an account just to post a comment?
got cheese?
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
The Pleasure is all mine...

I got this from my SCRC brother Zeek last night....
So my good friend and sister Wyzwmn comes over to my place for supper and also to go for a ride with my mom on the Pickle.
Many of you know my mom is dealing with a return of her breast cancer that has seriously damaged her spine and affected her mobility. She wanted to go for a ride on my bike but there is no way she would be able to climb on board or dismount afterwards, so I asked Karen if she'd be willing to take my mom for a short ride.
We took off from my place, with MamaZeek on the back of the Pickle and my sister Terri with camera on the back of mine. We rode up E. Saanich to Beacon, moved over to the Pat Bay Hwy then rode home, taking up both lanes as much as possible in order to get lots of photo-ops.
Well, my mom had a blast!! Biggest perma-grin I've seen on her face in years! Now she understands why dogs hang their heads out windows ha ha.
Wyzwmn, you understand what this meant to me & my family and from the bottom of my heart I thank you for your time, your good humour and your stories at the dinner table and the DQ booth. My mom still hasn't shut up about your visit... I mean you no disrespect, but consider yourself an honourary Noble... been calling you my sister from another mister for some time... now it's official!
and I reply: Zeekster....often time you hear people say "the pleasure was all mine" but it's not too often it really hits home for you
in this case it was a pleasure for me - and you know me - when I hit the gas on the highway and MamaZeek threw her arms in the air and "wahooo'd" I laughed and cried all at once...what a rush! (and I will again everytime I think of it)
I'll do it anytime she wants - all ya gotta do is ask and we'll work it out somehow...
cos truly, the pleasure was all mine
hmmmmm...Wyzwmn Noble...methinks it needs some work...
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
the word pompous is defined in the dictionary as: 1. Characterized by excessive self-esteem or exaggerated dignity; pretentious: pompous officials who enjoy giving orders. 2. Full of high-sounding phrases; bombastic: a pompous proclamation. 3. Characterized by pomp or stately display; ceremonious: a pompous occasion.
the word arrogant is defined in the dictionary as: 1. Having or displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-importance. 2. Marked by or arising from a feeling or assumption of one's superiority toward others: an arrogant contempt for the weak.
the word egomaniacal is defined in the dictionary as: 1. Obsessive preoccupation with the self.
the word sanctimonious is defined in the dictionary as: 1. Feigning piety or righteousness: "a solemn, unsmiling, sanctimonious old iceberg that looked like he was waiting for a vacancy in the Trinity" (Mark Twain).
the word audacious is defined in the dictionary as: 1. Fearlessly, often recklessly daring; bold. 2. Unrestrained by convention or propriety; insolent. 3. Spirited and original: an audacious interpretation of two Jacobean dramas.
the word disrespectful is defined in the dictionary as: 1. Having or exhibiting a lack of respect; rude and discourteous
the word contemptuous is defined in the dictionary as: 1. Manifesting or feeling contempt; scornful.
now - if ya put all these words together
what do ya get?
ya get a pretty damn good picture
of what I am up against in a manager
this new guy has such a great picture of himself
that there is no room for disagreement
it's not that there's no room for discussion
nobody likes the sound of his own voice more than he does
there's just no room for disagreement
he's so full of himself he thinks that he is peerless
and he likens himself to be more fully evolved
that most of the people he works with
so even after all this time
I have found something in that place
that truly astounds me....and profoundly disgusts me
What an ASS!