Thursday, August 24, 2006

the Voodoo God

many of you will remember the story
about my lovely neighbour the "Voodoo God"
and his erstwhile partner "Lemon Sucker"

I had a run in with them at the beginning of the summer
of gargantuan proportions
and as a result had to file a police report
etc etc etc

so all over the village I've heard reports all summer
about this guy who's named himself "the Prince of Jamaica"
turns out it's the Voodoo God
and he's a 9 alarm piss tank
qu'elle suprise?

(he told me to my face that he was a Voodoo God and that he was gonna show up with his "Legion of Terror and rain down harm and pestilence upon me and cut me into little cancerous pieces!")

the Lemon Sucker works at the grocery store next door to our building
and refuses to serve me when I go to the grocery store...
I can imagine how a man would have to drink to live with a sour old boot like that
but I digress

I have
several times
run in to them
never together
in the hallways and walkways
of our building

she always glares and puckers up like she's about to say something
but never does...

he never looks me in the eye...

I remain curtly civil (above and beyond the call if ya ask me)

So Sunday mornin I'm out in the parking lot
going to meet my riding club
and here comes the VooDoo God
takin his garbage out

and as he's returning from the dumpster
he says to me:
"look ....I mighta said some nasty shit"
"ya think?" says I
"well I'm Jamaican and we're hot blooded"
(hmmmmm me thinks I ain't even going there)

so I guess that was an apology?

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