Tuesday, August 22, 2006

file this under...

I cain't do nuttin right...

so ya'll know that I blew up my puter about 6 weeks ago
and now I'm waitin for the "macdaddy" Dell that I ordered to be delivered
I am so stoked about having a computer again...I just can't wait...

but then - life takes hold and I find that once again - I just cain't do nuttin right...

when I confirmed my order with the Dell employee that called me from a call center in another country...I informed him that I didn't want him to deliver it to my apartment
I wanted it delivered to the VOD's (Voice of Doom aka...my mother) apartment next door....the confirmation guy in a call center in another country told me in something that loosely resembled English that I would have to contact the courier for that


Dell ships via Purolator
and Purolator in my city is open from 9-6 M-F
and I work from 9-5 M-F
and I live at least a half hour away from Purolator


I call Purolator and am informed that it is "physically impossible" for them to ship the boxes next door...that the act of delivering to apt 111 as opposed to apt 109 would cause major issues and bring upon and or pending the beginning of the end of the world...er somthin~


I call Dell...and I am informed that the order has shipped so the only way to change the delivery address is to have it returned and then re-ship or they can fill out forms and that will take 7 days and by that time it will be too late cos the order has shipped already - and frankly anyone can sign for it so maybe you can get the person at 111 to sit in 109 for the next week or so on the off chance that Purolator will show up with a delivery...

ya know?

they are sucking all the fun outta this for me...I'm now of the opinion that I should be telling em to take that new puter...and fold it up in a really small ball....AND RAM IT UP THEIR COOLOO!

if ya get my drift?

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