Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Pleasure is all mine...

I got this from my SCRC brother Zeek last night....

So my good friend and sister Wyzwmn comes over to my place for supper and also to go for a ride with my mom on the Pickle.

Many of you know my mom is dealing with a return of her breast cancer that has seriously damaged her spine and affected her mobility. She wanted to go for a ride on my bike but there is no way she would be able to climb on board or dismount afterwards, so I asked Karen if she'd be willing to take my mom for a short ride.

We took off from my place, with MamaZeek on the back of the Pickle and my sister Terri with camera on the back of mine. We rode up E. Saanich to Beacon, moved over to the Pat Bay Hwy then rode home, taking up both lanes as much as possible in order to get lots of photo-ops.

Well, my mom had a blast!! Biggest perma-grin I've seen on her face in years! Now she understands why dogs hang their heads out windows ha ha.

Wyzwmn, you understand what this meant to me & my family and from the bottom of my heart I thank you for your time, your good humour and your stories at the dinner table and the DQ booth. My mom still hasn't shut up about your visit... I mean you no disrespect, but consider yourself an honourary Noble... been calling you my sister from another mister for some time... now it's official!

and I reply: Zeekster....often time you hear people say "the pleasure was all mine" but it's not too often it really hits home for you

in this case it was a pleasure for me - and you know me - when I hit the gas on the highway and MamaZeek threw her arms in the air and "wahooo'd" I laughed and cried all at once...what a rush! (and I will again everytime I think of it)

I'll do it anytime she wants - all ya gotta do is ask and we'll work it out somehow...

cos truly, the pleasure was all mine

hmmmmm...Wyzwmn Noble...methinks it needs some work...

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