Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Holly Daze

the worst part about returning from holidays
is not the end of your holiday
but the return to work!

a breif synopsis of the holiday by my friend Louie

"bacon bits, arms up, cake, half ply, simulated, stimulated, gas cap, socks, constitution, teaspoon, and F.K. (at the gas station) You my friend are an absolute delight. Thanks for letting me on the back of your baby, and for making my weekend the best ever. I mean that. Your stories keep me sane. You're the crazy one, ergo, I must be the normal one. hehe."

that about sums it up :0)


That Girl Tam said...

Please don't remind me...I'm on vacation now and even though I still have 4 more days, the thought of returning to work makes me wanna vomit!!

WyzWmn© said...

Phoenix - I'm pleased to see you here....

thanks for comin!