Sunday, December 31, 2006

Bless us every one!

the holiday season
in a nutshell......

we went up to my bother's house
to visit with him and the kids

as usual
the bother and the VOD
drank their way thru the festive season

the bother has a new lady friend
he's besotted (thinkin with the little head)
but he won't tell his kids
so they are texting each other on an average of 40 msgs an hour
what makes them think the kids don't know?

and what a lovely way to spend Christmas dinner
after cooking all day long
sitting at a table with the VOD and her tumbler of BINGO!
and the top of the bother's head cos he's looking at his phone
alla time

the good news is that the farther was in too much pain
to be much of a pain
he's got a major sciatica thing going on
so he can't drink much
they have him on muscle relaxants and painkillers
so he's hammered anyway
but pleasantly hammered!

so there were no major fights in my festive season this year
quelle suprise?

the high point of Christmas day was the Bother and the VOD
giving me a card with a picture of a Zen Creative Vision M
30 gb mp3 player that they were gonna purchase at the boxing day sale
(cos it was 70.00 off)
so we got it on boxing day
and I'm stoked cos the nephew has one
and it holds like mega music n vids n pix n stuff
but I decide to wait till I get home to fire it up

the last night in camp the VOD got tiddly again
and she went to bed at the same time as the bother did
(cos he had to work in the morning)
and he comes out about half an hour later and says:
"do you suppose that it's significant that the VOD is laying in bed
singing Amazing Grace to herself?"

what a laugh!

the drive home was relatively uneventful

and as soon as we got home
I plugged in the Vision M to charge the battery

it don't work

so I spent about 9 hours yesterday fiddling with it
and finally discover that
according to some Zen Creative forums
there's a problem between the Vision M and some versions of XP
I feel better now :0)

so this morning
I go out for coffee with my club
and then head over to the electronics store to exchange it
(just on the off chance that it was that particular player)
whereby I come across the most
derisive young woman
I have ever had the displeasure of speaking to
in the "electronics store" Customer Service Dept.
our little tete e tete resulted in my finally requesting my money back
and that she take a long look at her career path going forward....
if ya get my drift?

WW: I'd like to exchange this mp3 player
Her: uhhhmmm why?
WW: it won't connect with my computer
Her: uhhhmmm why?
WW: seems that the usb cord doesn't connect with my usb ports but everything else I plug into them works fine

Her: well I didn't ask for your life story
WW: seeing as you haven't you have anymore so that I could get an exchange?
Her: (looking around to see if anyone can hear her besides me) nope
WW: can ya look?
Her: don't have to - I know that we ain't got none
WW: may I have my money back please
Her: well uhhhhhmmm ok....but I don't know how to do that?
WW: can I speak to the manager please?
Her: No - you don't need to
WW: (getting louder) I didn't ask if you I needed to I said I wanted to
Her: Well there's no need to get snippy!
WW: (deep breaths)Get me the manager now!
Him: what can I do for you today?
WW: without a long drawn out explanation - I want my money back because you don't have any more Vision M's to exchange with
Him: then why did you want to see me?
WW: because I wasn't getting any customer service from your customer service rep
Him: ya well Tuesday is her last day so she's not so invested
WW: ya well neither am I - GIVE ME MY MONEY
Him: well ya don't have to get snippy!

I get my money - and enough paperwork to paper the bathroom walls and just for shits n giggles I go over to the audio dept to see what the price is of a different model same size - and low and behold there 9 of the damn things in the display case
Fuck Me!

I drove down the road to another electronic shop and got one there!
so wish me luck!

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