Thursday, August 30, 2007

Rough Week

it's been a rough week
there's been more sturm and dang
in my life this week
than I've had in a long long time
but it's over now
and we're all moving on
in order to do so
I need to say one last thing on the subject
I have apologized to the executive of the club
and I will say here once and one time only
to avoid any more confusion
I have a big mouth…I say that like I’m telling you a secret…but it’s not, I always have readily admitted it. I am also very passionate about my club, anyone who has ever met me knows that. (as do most of the general public cos I’m not one to shut up often)
and that's all anyone needs to know....


1. not guided by conscience; unscrupulous.
2. not in accordance with what is just or reasonable: unconscionable behavior.
3. excessive; extortionate: an unconscionable profit.

good word for today!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Propellerheads & Shirley Bassey

History Repeating

time machine

isn't it funny
how a sound
or a piece of music
or a smell
or a taste

can instantly transport you
to a different time?

today on my way to work
I stopped for gas
in the old woman mobile
and while paying
purchased a package
of Trident Tropical Fruit gum

the combination of smell
and taste
instantly transports me
to my summer holidays

the sun
the rain
the friends

the good old days....

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ya'd think I'd learn

after all these years
ya'd think I'd learn

I just spent a half hour on the phone
with the 75 year old fadder
trying to get sound outta his
computer speakers
that ain't worked
since he got it formatted
a year ago

every tedious step
of long distance research
accompanied by
"just a sec..."
as he puts the phone down
to complete the task
I've just given him....

to find out that it's cos
the damn things
while plugged into the wall
were not plugged into the tower

so I get him to open an audio file
(no small feat in itself)
and he clicks on it and it stops
and he clicks on it and it stops
he swears
and he clicks on it and it stops
he swears
and he clicks on it and it stops

I'm all..."dad...Dad....DAD!"
"don't yell at me I'm yer fadder" he says
"fine Dad...I won't yell....but tell me
you are double clicking right?"
"well no" he says
"ya dinna say double click"

ya'd think I'd look for the obvious first
ya'd think I'd a learn

but no
not me....
nuh uh!

Monday, August 27, 2007

I see a red moon rising....

O Lady Moon, your horns point toward the east;
Shine, be increased,
O' Lady Moon, your horns point toward the west;
Wane, be at rest.'
- Christina Rossetti

A blood red Moon signified the time for harvest or impending death, and a lunar eclipse means a time for magick to appease the moon to return to the Earth.

Brightest Blessings
Sisters and Brothers of the Wise

our minisclue worlds...

our minisclue worlds
become so much smaller

when we concentrate on only
the things we find bring us extreme happiness

we set ourselves up
for disappointment and hurt

when we concentrate on only
the things we find bring us extreme happiness

a person should spend more time
living their own life
than allowing others
to affect their thoughts and ways

because our minisclue worlds
become so much smaller

when we concentrate on only
the things we find bring us extreme happiness

I don't know....

how many times I have to say this

this blog is where I go
to voice my personal opinions
about my personal opinions

mine and mine alone

if you don't like what you see here
stop reading
it's your choice....
if you don't want to know what my opinions are
don't read the blog

seems pretty simple to me.....

having said that (yet again)

don't be surprised
when the time comes that I love you
or am proud of you
you see a reflection
of yourself here

just as
when the time comes that you hurt my feelings
or make me feel strongly on a subject
in any direction
that you see a reflection
of yourself here.

I often see reflections of myself in same....

so once again
if ya can't stand the heat...
yadda yadda yadda

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Shocked and appalled

Once again
my club has reached
an all time low

today was our Memorial Ride to Fallen Riders everywhere
and specifically to honor 2 members
that we lost last year and the year before

the event was planned several months ago
to stage for all the local chapters to meet
and then ride into town
and go to a members home for a BBQ
with the widows
of the 2 members we've lost

specifically to show them respect and to honor the memory
of fallen riders everywhere

a couple of months ago 2 of the higher echelon
of this club tried to start a movement
to cancel this event
stating unequivocally that the widows wanted no part of it

funnily enough
both widows told me today
that at no time had they ever spoken
to either person in question
about cancelling.....

and again.....
as a result of the petty bickering
and self indulgent childish vengeful actions
of members and leaders of said club
and their lack of ability to put aside differences
and act like adults
for the good of the "all"
about half the attendees pulled out of the ride
did not attend the BBQ with the widows

they went into the town
went into town for Chinese food

this would be the same group of people
that toss the word "respect" around
like it's a brick
These would be the same people
that have questioned the integrity of someone
for pulling out of an event because he didn't
think he could hold his temper
These would be the same people that
spoke derisively of the people that couldn't
or chose not to go to their event...

there were members from all over that couldn't attend
for whatever reason
and that is understood
I get that

What I don't get
is the slap in the face
to the widows of our fallen members
What I don't get
is the complete and utter insult shown
the people that hosted the BBQ
they opened their home to people
they thought were their friends
and in return
got shit on.....

there's truly no mistaking the statement
made today

Right now
I am embarrassed to say
that I am a member of the same club

I am ashamed of them.

Friday, August 24, 2007

double header!

Two in one day!

don't freak out now....

my friend Sam80277 is having a health issue
that brought to mind a story
from my past....
funny enough to share....

I'm sorry you are hurting as well
but your story reminded me of my father....

about 10 years ago my dad got to the stage that he couldn't live with his 'roids any more so he opted for surgery

my father was never one for medicine...prided himself on being able to say he'd never taken a pill

so into the hospital he goes
and they freeze his arse and put these little wee elastic bands on his 'roids (kinda like casterating a bull)
they give him a script and send him home

Mr. Macho figures he's ok so he doesn't get the script filled....forgetting of course...that all is currently well...cos well, his ass is frozen!

round about 3 AM that night my phone rings
wakes me up from a dead sleep
and a tiny little voice whispers in my ear....
"I have *whimper*
without a doubt *whimper*
the sorest asshole *whimper* *whimper*
in Canada...*whimper*"

I couldn't help it
I laughed

he didn't even start talking to me after I went all the way to his the script....went all the way to the all night the script filled and took it all the way back to him.....

all he did was glare at me....and *whimper*

moral of the story Sam...when the Dr gives ya a script...fill the damn matter how much you don't beleive you may need it....
you just may before all is said and done!"

I almost...

I almost hit a motorcyclist
on my way to work today
I was on a stretch of road
with a small rise and a tight curve
so you can't truly see
what's coming the other way
the motorcyclist was coming towards me
at the crest of the hill
to the left as I drive is the driveway
of the conservatory
to the right there is a rather large fence
around a property that used to be
a pottery shop
and now is a home for someone
who parks his dump trucks (plural)
in the driveway
the motorcyclist was pulling into the driveway
where the dump trucks are parked
just below the crest of the hill
on the outside of the curve
he should have stopped
as he headed towards the crest of the hill
to make sure that
traffic was clear coming in the other direction
before he turned....
but he didn't....
we as motorcyclists
have a tendency towards
rolling stops
to avoid the work of balancing your bike
and putting your feet down
most specifically on stops
involving curves
hills when you are facing up
stop signs....
it's apparently a real issue at intersections
I've been told that statistically
more motorcyclists get ticketed
for rolling stops
than anything else save speeding....
(contrary to the popular belief
that we get hit for loud pipes or
breach of helmet laws)
but this boob
didn't even slow down
he just cut across the road in front of me
sort of gunning it....
when he realized that big silver thing
he was staring at
was the front grill
of the old woman mobile....
had I been going 10 over the speed limit
(which is also my wont)
I'd have hit him for sure
and it wouldn't have been pretty
as it was I slammed on my brakes
I heard a screeching
that didn't come from
the old woman mobile
and looked in the rear view mirror
in time to see the grill
of the truck behind me
who was doing well over
10 over
narrowly miss my back end...
and then the biker gets offa his bike
and flips me the bird....
my heart
she go
a pit
a pat!
this whole thing really bothered me
maybe cos I am attending a memorial
for fallen riders
on Sunday
maybe cos
even tho I'm on 3
I have a tendency towards
rolling stops
the same as everyone else
maybe because
I try to
no longer subscribe
to the thought
that the best defence
is an offence
and maybe because
I coulda killed that idjit
and even tho he was at fault
that even tho he spent all that money
making his machine all sleek
and low slung and fat and cool
and very little money on
protective leather
or a dot helmet
or boots
(there was none of the above)
and spent all that time and money
getting all those tattoo's on his sleeves
and learning to ride
just as cool as Jesse James....
in his Converse sneakers
and tshirt
that in spite of all that....
if I'd have hit him head on like that
even at the speed limit
he'd have likely died
and I'd have had to carry that load
for the rest of my life....
I can only hope
I really learned a lesson today....
the question is
what lesson would it be?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wyz Choices...redeux...

sometimes I have to remind myself
sometimes I have to say it out loud
over and over
till I pay attention.....

for me
and those like me

here tis again.....

It has been my experience in life
that you often don’t get outta it
what you put into it ...

It does make one examine their motivation…

Life is about choices…

If you become a leader of a group or organization do you do so for the accolades or do you do so for the good of the all? So far…in the three times that I have done so…I’ve discovered that being the leader only caused me more trouble…so the accolades are nice…but in the long run it don’t really mean that you are exempt from the shit show that life can become…and we all know that the plumber's mantra is that "shit runs down hill" - so if ya think you've got it's only gonna get worse when the people above you get going....

If you mirror your attributes or abilities onto others…are you surprised or hurt when they show their true colors?

When you get euphoric about your relationships with people that you perceive to be “good” because you are basically good…and then they show you that they are mean or selfish or not integral you discover that the shortcoming is really within yourself because truly the only person that you can effect change upon is yourself….

If you are aware of the inherent goodness in people but find that there are some people that continually revert to negatives as their norm…why do you allow it do disappoint you? – again and again…

If you choose to surround yourself with like minded individuals, they’d be like minded…not the “same” or “simple” minded just sometimes they are “like” minded…..and that “sometimes” may or may not be the lion’s share of the time….

If you get blamed for the wrong doings of others…why should it surprise you that someone blames you? Did you think that everyone is fair?….just because you are?

This is the one that often is the hardest for people…the one that gives the greatest heartaches until you come to the understanding that not everyone is living life by the same set of rules as you are…that frankly, your set of rules are likely not important or true to others…so from an integrity/truth/honour/respect standpoint….the definitions are not the same.

Once again it’s all about choices….you can choose to give up and lie down and lose everything…or you can choose to continue to live that life as it unfolds…and to keep trying to do what it is that makes you feel right…what it is that makes you feel proud, what it is that makes you able to look at yourself in the mirror with a clear conscience…

Remember that people truly believe that if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a's a duck...and no amount of your vehemently denying to people to the contrary will change their perceptions....because their perception is not your perception of the same damn duck....

In the end...take the time to make Wyz choices....because in the are the one that must live with them....

Don't give up...

Just remind yourself of what's important....

and move along....

that's right....move along...
remember who you are...

and what's important in your life
remember the sunrise
remember riding in the wind....
remember the hugs from those you love....
remember all that you hold precious....
and move along....

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


today I feel disillusioned

I'm disillusioned at being 52 years of age
and not having a home where I can relax
no...I've gotta live next door to the
Voodoo God and the Screechin Bitch

I'm disillusioned at being 52 years of age
and not having a retirement package
I lost it when Danny left with all my savings
and 2 HD's a truck and a trailer
and I know I'm never gonna see a red cent
so I should suck it up....

I'm disillusioned at being 52 years of age
and not having a car
the $100.00 kicked the bucket and now I'm car less
and can't afford car payments while supporting the VOD

I'm disillusioned at being 52 years of age
and living with my mommy
I know that she needs it...
but couldn't the bother or the blister take a turn?

I'm disillusioned at being 52 years of age
and having a job where the boss
couldn't organize a blow job in a whore house

I'm disillusioned at being 52 years of age
and not being able to rely on the people I work with as professionals
apparently I should "check their work"

I'm just plain old disillusioned

Friday, August 17, 2007

Quit complainin...

about me being too quiet
I'm dancing as fast as I can over here!

in the 3 days since I have returned to work
after my wonderful holidays
with my very good (and kind) friends
that went so far as to feed me
dress me
and pull up my bloody underoo's

I have
laid out
and published to beta
218 motherfucking web pages

all the while
with tennis elbow
and carpel tunnel

I don't care if I ever build one again!

and at the risk of repeating myself...

if the woman in the office across from me
that hired me
that makes twice (almost 3 times) as much money as I do
comes back from yet
one more freakin coffee "meeting"
sheiking like a bloody fishmonger
one more time
about how damn busy she is
(oh woe is me)
I'm gonna go to jail

cos I'm gonna stab her in the eye
with my freakin mouse!


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Once more with feeling....

my boss
is a fucking nob

do dah
do dah

she whines and moans
all day long

all the do dah day!


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

there's no place like home....

made 9 this morning...

had a wonderful 2 weeks with some truly amazing friends
got a Dr's appointment this afternoon to find out
what to do about this arm as it relates to work

and as much as I enjoyed myself...
there truly is no place like home

more stuff to follow once I'm unpacked and can type!

Thursday, August 02, 2007


has left the building!

see ya around the 15th or 16th!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined
I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned
Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
I break tradition, sometimes my tries, are outside the lines
We've been conditioned to not make mistakes, but I can't live that way
Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it inNo one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
~Natasha Bedingfield~
you betcha!
uplifting anyway...Wyz