Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ya'd think I'd learn

after all these years
ya'd think I'd learn

I just spent a half hour on the phone
with the 75 year old fadder
trying to get sound outta his
computer speakers
that ain't worked
since he got it formatted
a year ago

every tedious step
of long distance research
accompanied by
"just a sec..."
as he puts the phone down
to complete the task
I've just given him....

to find out that it's cos
the damn things
while plugged into the wall
were not plugged into the tower

so I get him to open an audio file
(no small feat in itself)
and he clicks on it and it stops
and he clicks on it and it stops
he swears
and he clicks on it and it stops
he swears
and he clicks on it and it stops

I'm all..."dad...Dad....DAD!"
"don't yell at me I'm yer fadder" he says
"fine Dad...I won't yell....but tell me
you are double clicking right?"
"well no" he says
"ya dinna say double click"

ya'd think I'd look for the obvious first
ya'd think I'd a learn

but no
not me....
nuh uh!

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