Saturday, December 01, 2007

trying to get my ohm on

as you can tell
by my earlier post today
I'm trying to get
my ohm on

today is my day off
I to the sound of my phone ringing
at 6:30 AM
it's a call from a facilitator
that was to run a course today
saying that they need to cancel
because of the weather

I crawl out of bed
fire up the computer
access my office files on line

and before 8 AM
call every person that was to attend
that course and adivse them
by either speaking to them
or leaving a voice mail
I even check for 2nd phone numbers

then I email them all
just to be sure
I just checked my office email
and there's a scathing email
from this woman
about how her family stood outside
in the snow
for an hour

why they didn't go inside
and ask someone
is beyond me

so I'm at fault
cos they're flat out stupid

the thing that really sets in my craw
is that I spoke to this
not so polite woman

and told her to watch her email
cos if the course was cancelled
due to weather
(it was after all predicted)
I'd email prior to 8 AM
and the email I sent this morning
went out at 7:11

so much for the ohm
ya just cain't cure stupid

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