Sunday, October 18, 2009

I woke up

disgruntled today...

I don't know why?

cos yesterday was a pretty good day
save a couple of scares from a video my friend lent me
(really? if ya wanna get rid of me...just tell me - no need to scare me to death LOL)

I wrote this list of things 13 that make me go hmmm?
but decided against posting it in it's entirety
mostly cos there's no way that people will look at it honestly

there's simply no way that people will honestly answer the questions
as opposed to viewing it as me being incendiary
which is not my intent

over time it surely does seem that the lion's share of the people
that I am acquainted with
would rather talk about me
than to me

I guess that's my fault
cos I'm still holding people accountable
for their actions

so it's their loss

part of taking a stand
is being prepared for the fall out
no matter how mean spirited it is.

I'm prepared.

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