Tuesday, October 20, 2009

we got some good news

and we got some bad news

the good news is
I officially have good bones

good in that they
are no worse
than they were

the bad news is
that I have atherosclerosis

which can be treated medication


but wait!
it gets better!

I'm also diabetic
(qu'elle suprise?

what with the family history
and my svelt shape!)

this too can be treated with a medication
also no big surprise....

I'm soon to need a truck to haul my meds in


I have an appt with
the heart specialist on the 29th

and a urologist pending
cos they still can't figure out
where the blood is coming from

that'd be the blood
that sent me to the Dr
in the first place
over 2 mths ago...


I'm just tired of being sick and tired

let's recap shall we?

Crohn's Disease - 12 pills a day (on maintenance)

PTSD - 2 pills at night

hiatus hernia - 1 pill a day

high blood pressure - 1 pill a day

HRT - 1 pill a day
atherosclerosis - 1 pill a day (and re-evaluate in 6 wks)

arthritis - pills dependent on pain and weather
Cogan's Dystrophy - night time eye ointment
and drops 3 times a day

Diabetes - metformin (after the next fasting blood sugar
and we'll evaluate as we go)

Achilles tendinitis (both legs) - pills dependent on pain

Obesity - lobotomy? possibility!


I'm gonna have to pay someone to keep this straight for me

case in point?
a friend just phoned me to remind me
of the kidney stone
and the freaking surgery clamp
they've discovered was left in me
over 30 years ago during one of my surgeries....
imagine that slipping my mind? END EDIT

another edit: well shit! I forgot asthma! end edit!

so here's the crux of my problem...

I am on a "low residue" diet
due to the Crohn's Disease...
I have been for about 6 yrs,
and I firmly believe
that it is the reason
that my Crohn's is in
stasis or remission


all the food I need to eat
to combat
the atherosclerosis,

high blood pressure

and obesity

are the foods that I simply can not eat

and keep my Crohn's from flaring
(last flare had me in the hospital
for 10 days
and in ICU for 6 of them)

so... no fruits and veggies for me

I can't even walk for cripes sake
cos my left Achilles tendon is fracked.


if you are lookin for me?

I'll be under my bed...
sucking my thumb.

and I ain't anywhere near as cute as this kid!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oy! Sucks to be you... at least none of these conditions are terminal... although the way they're piling up you might not be all that thankful for that! :-(