Thursday, February 08, 2007

Coffee with free entertainment

a little Riding Club humor....

I have a little story to tell ya'll about that place we go for all may remember that we left that place last year cos the service was so poor...I like to think that we scared them and now that we're back they have reversed their practices so much that they are virtually paying us to stay!

the last time I was there for coffee on a Sunday I gave this young "trainee" named Damon a $10.00 bill to pay for my breaky - he should have given me a $5.00 bill and some change but what he handed me was a $10.00 bill and some change - so I told him that it was the wrong color and he got all huffy with me like I was casting aspersions but eventually believed me and thanked me.....

so tonight myself Roady, Scooby and Scrappy are there first...after our initial greetings and coffee purchases Scrappy decides she's gonna try one of them new "very cherry" donuts and goes up to this Damon at the counter to get one....she pays him with a loonie...the donut is $.80 plus tax = $.85 ....Damon the Nuclear Physicist (and shall be known as such from here on in) give her $.85 change and walks away.

Scrappy looks at the donut, looks at the change, looks at the donut and then comes back to the table shaking her head....once she get's over the initial shock of the encounter she goes back to the counter to tell the "poor kid" aka Nuclear Physicist that he'd fupped up the change thing....she goes through the whole story about he should have given her $.15 change not $.85 etc etc so as to completely explain the error of his ways and the kid (the Nuclear Physicist) goes..." sure?"

Scrappy assures him that indeed he was in error and as she doesn't want his cash to be out he'd best take the $.85 and give her the $.15....

the Nuclear Physicist goes off to get the manager (the new one that yells alla time) and she opens the drawer...and the Nuclear Physicist hands Scrappy $15.00 and walks away!

Scappy is farkempt...she's so farklempt she can't talk. She comes back to our table and it takes her like 20 minutes to convince herself that she's not at fault nor has she lost her marbles and that the kid's not too bright and she'd best start this little project over again...

In the meantime - I go to get a donut and over hear the manager (the one that yells alla time) holler at Damon (Nuclear Physicist) "I just closed yer till gotta close that thing man...that's why yer cash is always short!" I almost said ...."uhhhhhhhm excuse it's not..." but I figured I'd leave that to Scrappy

So the 4 of us have a conversation about telling the manager or the kid and Scrappy decides she doesn't want to get the kid in trouble - so she waits till he comes out to clean up the tables and she pulls him aside and tells him the whoooole damn story over again to which he answers "I ain't gonna get in trouble...are you sure you're right?" and then goes and gets the manager (the one that yells alla time) to open the drawer and puts the $15.00 away

So we've all had a good laugh and Scrappy is out $.15

small price to pay for all that entertainment!

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