Saturday, February 10, 2007

does anyone else?

does anyone else find it disconcerting
that we as adults
are becoming caretakers
of our parents?

it weirds me out

first of all - there's the Voice of Doom
aka Mom

she spends hours each day talking to her sister
and then gets off the phone and tells me that her sister is a recluse and gets all her political views from Larry King Live
well uhhhhmmm Mom?
yer a freakin recluse and get all your political views from Larry King Live!


Dad calls
he's having computer problems
wants me to walk him thru installing a new printer
I give him directions
he writes them down
an hour later he phones to yell at me
cos his computer is "napping"

whaddaya mean napping?
well when I turn it on it comes up to my picture but nothing else
oh...well whaddaya mean nothing else? can you see the cursor?
what's a cursor?
the mouse arrow? can you see it?
can you see the start button?
have you restarted the computer?
why would I do that?

last night the VOD and I had a huge argument...

after I got this new job I was in the position to have to shop for a used car
she never drives her's
so she told me to stop shopping and drive her's

but (there's always a but eh?)

somehow the act of driving her car is supposed to have made me clairvoyant
and I should be able to announce that "today I will take you to town to go to the bank"

all she has to do is say..."I should go to the bank soon"
but no

we have to play this fucking passive aggressive guessing game
in which she get's pissy till I get pissed
and then it's ok for her to yell at me
and to tell everyone in the family what a bitch I am

(ya ain't seen bitch yet old woman)


I've said it before
and I'll say it again....
I have all the trials and tribulations of being a married person
with none of the fun!

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